Cave MH0203 - MH0203

Longueur 200m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This cave is 50 m uphill from Sink MH0202, near the bottom of the Pak Kut (Luk Khao Lam) doline, below Tham Ban Luk Khao Lam. Martin Ellis - 08/06/2020


Martin Ellis - 08/06/2020

A 10 m pitch is followed by a 10 m handline climb to a well decorated chamber, to the left of which is another chamber. The passage then descends steeply over rock and mud and although constricting, there are further exploration possibilities.


Bibliography 08/06/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Ban Luk Khao Lam - MH0016485113
0.1Sink MH0202 - MH0202
0.8Tham Makaeng - MH0067
1.6Tham Yin Lee Nan Nam - MH0230
1.9Cave MH0235 - MH0235
2.0Coffin Cave MH116 - MH0116
2.1Nam Bor Phi - MH0017106106
2.2Leopard Cave [MH0018]800
2.4Nam Lang (Old Sink) [MH0247]1500