AA CAVE (Audsley 2014) Rynsong 2
A rectangular entrance, 1.5 m wide and 2 m high (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc) was understood to face an unidentified direction gives access to an interstratal natural cave passage or man-made adit (a horizontal passage leading into a mine for the purposes of access or drainage) which consisted in February 2014 of a comparatively long and relatively short natural rift in thin layer of limestone (roof and floor are sandstone) layer of coal beneath sandstone has been mined (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc) and was interpreted as to a more or less short rift (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for what was named after a previously visited cave and recorded as Krem Rynsong 2 anonymous Annie U. Audsley in: anonymous Brooks, S J et al. (2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 17th February, Monday); Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx); Audsley, A U (2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc) Krem Rymany 2 Length 10.75 Total 10.75 survey progress Finished (Anonymous 2014.04.05 Expedition Survey Log 2014 (8-3-2014).xls). SITUATION 2014.02.17: In an unspecified setting somehow somewhere near (Village) Umlatdoh (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx) and at a spot which lies in an inexplicable spatial relations to each and every of the known nearby cave entrances. SITUATION 2014.12.26: In an unspecified setting somehow somewhere Close to umlatdoh village (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc) and at a spot which lies in an inexplicable spatial relations to each and every of the known nearby cave entrances. APPROACH: From Umlatdoh take the path heading south from the tea shop, soon joyning larger track continuing south. After around 5mis (at 25°11'48.2 7 092°16'29.3”) turn right and continue along the pth heading NW to a group of houses. The cave is nearby in a shallow depression (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.04.05a: This item is rather a recreational adventure sports training device than a cave as it was understood to allow exercising the rapid negotiation of an obstacle system that turned out to be relatively very short and ended in [sic! qua: gave access to what was interpreted as a mined passage (anonymous Annie U. Audsley or Hellie Brooke, Jos -Yoxz- Burgers, and Elena Buduran in: anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 17th February, Monday). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.04.05b: Length 10.75 Total 10.75 survey progress Finished (Anonymous 2014.04.05 Expedition Survey Log 2014 (8-3-2014).xls). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.04.29: Short rift (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.12.26: Rectangular entrance, 1.5 m wide x 2 m high. Bouldery floor sloing inwards. Short rift heading [NNE] at 21.9° for 9 m in thin limestone band between sandstone floor and roof. At the end the coal seam has been mined - mine passages heading off [north by east] at 76.1° and [southwest] 224.7° (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc). CAVE CONTENTS: Boulders, coal and yellow mud in mined passage (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc). CULTURAL HISTORY -- human use: Coal mine (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc). CAVE LIFE: Annie U. Audsley, Hellie Brooke, Jos -Yoxz- Burgers, Elena Buduran, and Cdr. Vijay Chhikara joined forces to consider the cave faune in the other cave (or coal mine) around the corner of the true Krang –>Rynsong and discovered on 17th February 2014 to have none observed (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc).
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2014.02.17: Friday Rymbai from Umlatdoh instructed Annie U. Audsley, Hellie Brooke, Jos 'Yoxz' Burgers, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara and Elena Buduran how to get to an other cave called [sic! qua: which was dubbed] Krem Rynsong 2 (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 17th February, Monday).17.2.2014: A.Audsley, V.Chhikara, E.Buduran, J.Burgers led by Guide Friday Rymbai, explored and surveyed to the end of the natural passage. The mine has not been surveyed (Audsley, A U 2014.12.26 Mss: 17-02-2014 Krem Rynsong 2.doc).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.1 | AA CAVE (Brooke 2014) | ||
0.1 | RYNSONG, Umlatdoh (Krang) | ||
0.3 | LAKADONG 07 (Latouche 1890) (Cave at) | ||
0.3 | AA CAVE (Burgers 2014) | ||
0.3 | UMTNGIER (Krang) | ||
0.4 | LUMJINGTEP, Umlatdoh (Krang) | ||
0.5 | LUMJINGTEP, Umlatdoh, 2nd (Krang) | ||
0.5 | DHARAI (Krang pdeng) | ||
0.5 | Lakadong F |