Tham Nam [LA0093]

ป่าตันนาครัว (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


Wat Tham Phra Sabai is well signposted from the H1, on the southern outskirts of Lampang, following the H1036 (also named the H1003). In the temple grounds there is a pond, with limestone rock and boulders at the base of some steps. Martin Ellis - 21/12/2019


Martin Ellis - 21/12/2019

The water for the pond comes out of a seasonal resurgence passage, that is less than 1m high. The rocks here are very water worn, but the cave has not been investigated.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Phra Sabai - LA00067530
0.0Tham Yen - LA0008200
8.9Cave LA0062 - LA0062
9.0Tham Jaeng - LA00561000
9.0Tham Aep - LA0057300
9.1Tham Nam Yoi - LA0021
9.1Tham Phaya Lue - LA0036
9.2Noi (Tham) [LA0058]
9.3Tham Chang Mae Lao - LA0060