Tham Sane - KA0423

หนองบัว (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


Located 3 km east of Tham Lang Kamnan and about 500 m south of the large Chinese temple to the west of Tham Phu Wa. Martin Ellis - 18/09/2019


Bibliography 18/09/2019
  • +Shoocongdej, Rasmi (1996b) "Rethinking the development of sedentary villages in Western Thailand" Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin No. 14 pp203-212 +SHOOCONGDEJ, RASMI (2000) "Forager Mobility Organization in Seasonal Tropical Environments of Western Thailand" World Archaeology Vol. 32 No. 1 pp14-40

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.3Tham Khru Manat - KA0424
1.7Tham Wong Phra Chan - KA0415
1.8Phu Wa (Tham) [KA0319]1000
2.1Tham Men - KA0057
2.1Tham Bo - KA0058
3.0Prathun (Tham) [KA0055]500
3.4Tham Khiritham [KA0531]
3.4Shaft KA058566
3.5Tham Lang Kamnan [KA0418]500