A spacious rock shelter (GUPTA 1984: 204-205) or, perhaps, a true cave, which contains paintings (rock art) profusely superimposed on the rear wall and depicting oblong human and animal figures, including »neelgai« (note 1), deer and »sambhar« (swamp deer, Cervus duvauceli). Compare the –>Hathi Daul (Rampura) Shelter. SITUATION: GUPTA (1984: 204-205) places the rock art site at a mind boggling location north and south of Panna town (N24°43': E080°12'): On the one-hand side somewhere near a place called »Putarihau Ghati« (note 2), a village within Panna National Park Wild Life Sanctuary (note 3) but on the other hand at an unspecified distance along a road in an unspecified direction from Amanganj (note 3) to one village of »Rampura« (note 4).
NOTE 1: The »nilgai« (neelgai), an Indian antelope (Boselaphus tragocamelus), »is an inhabitant of open forest more often than grassy plains …« (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, 1: 235). NOTE 2: I do not know the whereabouts of »Putarihau Ghati« (GUPTA 1984) — unless it corresponds to the village of »Patraha« shown near N24°27': E080°10' on AMS sheet NG44-14 Panna (U502 series, 1959 edition) at a remote location far from any road. NOTE 3: »Panna Wildlife Sanctuary« in the north (sic!) of Panna town (N24°43': E080°12') is shown on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 55 H1), north-west of the Vindhyachal range, south-east of the Ken river, and south of Ajaigarh (24°54'N: 80°16'E) and it's famous fort. NOTE 4: Amanganj, 39 km south-west (sic!) of Panna (N24°43': E080°12') N24°26': E080°02' (nima.mil/geonames accessed 16.11.2003) on AMS sheet NG44-14 Panna and on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 55 G2). NOTE 5: Among the multitude of places called Rampur there is a village of »Rampura« near N24°41': E080°22'30” about 20 km in a direct line due east of Panna in the Vindhyachal range of hills.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
8.7 | PANDVAN SHELTER 1 | ||
14.6 | PANDVAN SHELTER 2 | ||
27.8 | HATHI DAUL, Rampur | ||
32.5 | Pandava Cave, Pandav Falls n°2 | ||
32.5 | Pandava Cave, Pandav Falls n°3 | ||
32.5 | Pandava Cave, Pandav Falls n°1 |