Underground Chamber, Vijayanagar
What a passing layman instantly identifies as a better kind of potatoe cellar is considered as a sacred Underground Chamber (LONGHURST 1917 edited 2002: 68). SITUATION: Close to the King's Palace (note 1) at Vijayanagar or about 50 m south of the King's Audience Hall (note 2) and 150 or 200 m west of the Mahanavami Platform (note 3). DESCRIPTION 1917: Underground Chamber ¬ This curious little structure … There seems to be little doubt that, originally, this chamber was an underground shrine or private chapel provided with a procession path around the main shrine. It is square on plan with a doorway facing east, which opens into a little gloomy passage for circumbulation which was approached from the ground above by a narrow passage and a short flight of steps on its northern side. The stone bases of the four pillars show that the roof was originally formed of slabs resting on beams. The passage is constructed in the same manner, and the whole of the interior was originally plasterd and whitewashed (LONGHURST 1917 edited 2002: 68). From the broken slabs, stone beams and mouldings removed from the interior of the bulding during repairs, it is clear that this little shrine originally had a superstructure built above it, which collapsed and fell into the underground chamber below, breaking the roof over the shrine in the process. In order to prevent accident and to keep out surface water and rubbish from collecting in the interior, a modern dwarf parapet wall has been constructed around the opening (LONGHURST 1917 edited 2002: 70).d and whitewashed (LONGHURST 1917 edited 2002: 68). From the broken slabs, stone beams and mouldings removed from the interior of the bulding during repairs, it is clear that this little shrine originally had a superstructure built above it, which collapsed and fell into the underground chamber below, breaking the roof over the shrine in the process. In order to prevent accident and to keep out surface water and rubbish from collecting in the interior, a modern dwarf parapet wall has been constructed around the opening (LONGHURST 1917 edited 2002: 70).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.5 | Hampi Rock-cut Shrine | ||
1.5 | Hampi Archway | ||
2.0 | Matangaparvata (Cave on) | ||
2.0 | Hampi Cave | ||
2.5 | NIGONDIN RIVER'S SIDE (Cave at) | ||
2.5 | Hampi-Vittala Tunnel | ||
2.7 | SUGRIVA CAVE, Hampi, 2nd |