Tham Bodhiyan [KA0532]

หนองบัว (TH)
Longueur 35m Profondeur 10m
Grottocenter / carte


Park in an area of monks residences. Follow the steps up to the cave. Martin Ellis - 29/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 29/09/2019

The entrance is covered by a large roof. Steps lead down to a tiled floor with statues and a meditation cell. The main chamber is about 20m wide and 10m front to back. On the left a small passage continues as a rifty passage continues for about 20m. At the end, a potentially wide passage is blocked by a mud fill.


The cave was visited by Phil Collett on 31 October 2015 Martin Ellis - 29/09/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.3Tham Khiritham [KA0531]
2.2Tham Lang Kamnan [KA0418]500
2.9Phu Wa (Tham) [KA0319]1000
4.2Tham Khru Manat - KA0424
4.5Tham Wong Phra Chan - KA0415
4.7Tham Sane - KA0423
5.1Tham Sata Ban Khuha [KA0533]15020
5.7Prathun (Tham) [KA0055]500
5.7Phutawat (Tham) [KA0137]175