Tham Hat Nimit 2 [LO0198]

โนนปอแดง (TH)
Longueur 165m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This wat is clearly signed in English off the H201 south of Nong Hin. Follow the road for 6 km to a hamlet where a sign in Thai indicates the turning to the north and take this dirt track for 1 km to the wat. This cave is 50 m to the right of Tham Hat Nimit Martin Ellis - 26/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 26/03/2020

The entrance is a 5 m drop which has a wooden ladder which leads to the bottom of a chamber 30 m long, 35 m across and 6 m high. Opposite to the ladder, on the other side of the chamber, there is a Buddha. Behind it there is a snaking meander passage that is about 50 m ending in low and narrow passage. To the left of the statue there is a 3 m climb (and an unusable rotten ladder) leading to another snaking meander which is wet for a few metres, This passage is about 55 m long and also ends in low and narrow passage. To the right of the climb and left of the buddha, there is another meander connecting with the previous meander (avoiding the climb) that is 30 m long and ending yet again in low and narrow passage.


2016-11-20 J. Gosset Martin Ellis - 26/03/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Hat Nimit - LO0057100
1.8Tham Sua Mop - LO01052500
3.2Tham Chedi Wihan - LO0128
3.3Chai See (Tham) [LO0089]
4.3Tham Sai Khiri - LO0106
4.5Caves LO0082 - LO0082
4.8Tham Nam - LO0031
5.7Tham Soong - LO0044305
6.6Banphot Santitham (Tham) [LO0152]