(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An apparently south-west facing boulder collapse entrance gives access to beautifully decorated and challenging stream passage (Brooks, S J et al. 2005 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Diary) in the lower reaches of Krem –>Wah Sier (Tongseng). ETYMOLOGY: No locally known name has been identified for the anonymous cave entrance which has been referred to as bottom entrance Brooks, S J et al. (2005 Mss -Meghalaya 2005 Diary- 2005.02.25) boulder collapse entrance Brooks, S J et al. (2005 Mss -Meghalaya 2005 Diary- 2005.02.20) E2 Arbenz, T (2009.06.11 Shnongrim_Ridge_18.pdf) Valley Entrance Arbenz, T (2007.01.04 -Wah_Sier_p1.pdf- cave plan) SITUATION: On the eastern side of the Shnongrim ridge and near the edge of the flood plain above the north (orographically left) bank of what is indicated as Wah Sier on the Shnongrim map (Arbenz, T 2009.06.11 Shnongrim_Ridge_18.pdf). POSITION: Apparently near N25°18'37”: E092°30'34” (WGS84, Arbenz, T 2009.06.11 Shnongrim_Ridge_18.pdf). CAVE DESCRIPTION: A … beutifully decorated and challenging stream passage (Brooks, S J et al. 2005 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Diary).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2005.02.20: Quentin 'Cooper' Cowper, Brian McCoitir and Fraser E. Simpson (Brooks, S J et al. 2005.10.05 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Survey Summary) in Krem Wah Ser (sic!) or … reached a boulder collapse entrance and climbed out to daylight. They found a path through an area of karst pinnacles back up to Tongseng (Brooks, S J et al. 2005 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Diary). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Mawshun 1c (Krem)
0.6Mawshun 1b (Krem)
0.7LABA RIFT (aa -)
0.7LABA CAVE (Brown 2001) (aa -)
0.8SNIANG (Krem)
0.9MAWSHUN (Krem)
0.9MAWSHUN 2 (Krem)
0.9MAWSHUN 3 (Krem)