MTWO (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A certain small cave with unidentified dimensions characterised Barbara am Ende (2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo) by it's location in a vertical walled small doline with an unidentified size. IDENTITY: Little doubt remains that Krem Mtwo (note 1) is a corruption of -Krem Umthluh- and, for that matter, is possibly identical with the cave entrance to the 2nd Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng, though the entrance of the latter is rather a funnel shaped doline: A) The two approach descriptions differ considerably but are based different starting points. B) The GPS positions recorded for the 2nd Krem Umthluh, Tongeng (in short: KU2), and Krem Mtwo possibly indicate the same location even though the GPS position for Krem Mtwo indicates a spot that lies some 60 m in a direct line approximately south-southeast (58.8 m south + 11.2 m east) from KU2 and 26 m higher up in spite of the terrain sloping down into this direction: K. Umthluh 2 (±10.7 m) N25°19'30.4”: E92°30'48.4”: 993 m asl (Gebauer 2001.02.0) and K. Mtwo near (±9 m) N25°19'28.5”: E92°30'48.8”: 1019 m asl (Ende 2007.02.10). C) The entrance to KU2 lies in a pair of funnel shaped entrance dolines among the topmost limestone pinnacles secreted away in the bamboo and tree jungle east of the Umthloo glen (Gebauer 2001.02.10). The entrance to Krem Mtwo, however, was described as a vertical walled doline that lies, upon descending the spur, at the start of … a series of limestone dolines in dense jungle (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss). APPROACH: On the north end of Tongseng village [note 2], take the ridge [note 3] down [note 4] that is where the farthest north house [note 5] is and just south of the seep / spings [note 6]. Go down past the standing stones [note 7]. Not far past you get to the end of the pines and a series of limestone dolines. Just at the start of them, turn into the wood to the left at a clump of 5 banana trees [note 8]. Snake to the right thru [through] dense jungle. Follow the rock wall on the right about 0 m (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Climb down the vertical walled small doline [note 9]. Enter through a small opening [note 10]. … There is an entrance room about 4 m high and 5 m across. The cave continuous [sic! continues] down perhaps 1 x 1.5 m. … Small cracks [rift passages?] may be pushed (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo). PROSPECTS: Barbara Anne am Ende deliberated if small cracks may be pushed and opined the cave continues on down but is small. The cave should be pushed and mapped but in my opinion it is not a high priority (Ende 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo). CAVE CLIMATE: Barbara Anne am Ende observed at an unidentified time on 10th February 2007 an inward air current and contemplated not only an initially slight breeze entering the cave but also noticed later on that the breeze seems less in the passage down there. There are some blocks and the air might go off (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo).0) and K. Mtwo near (±9 m) N25°19'28.5”: E92°30'48.8”: 1019 m asl (Ende 2007.02.10). C) The entrance to KU2 lies in a pair of funnel shaped entrance dolines among the topmost limestone pinnacles secreted away in the bamboo and tree jungle east of the Umthloo glen (Gebauer 2001.02.10). The entrance to Krem Mtwo, however, was described as a vertical walled doline that lies, upon descending the spur, at the start of … a series of limestone dolines in dense jungle (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss). APPROACH: On the north end of Tongseng village [note 2], take the ridge [note 3] down [note 4] that is where the farthest north house [note 5] is and just south of the seep / spings [note 6]. Go down past the standing stones [note 7]. Not far past you get to the end of the pines and a series of limestone dolines. Just at the start of them, turn into the wood to the left at a clump of 5 banana trees [note 8]. Snake to the right thru [through] dense jungle. Follow the rock wall on the right about 0 m (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Climb down the vertical walled small doline [note 9]. Enter through a small opening [note 10]. … There is an entrance room about 4 m high and 5 m across. The cave continuous [sic! continues] down perhaps 1 x 1.5 m. … Small cracks [rift passages?] may be pushed (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo). PROSPECTS: Barbara Anne am Ende deliberated if small cracks may be pushed and opined the cave continues on down but is small. The cave should be pushed and mapped but in my opinion it is not a high priority (Ende 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo). CAVE CLIMATE: Barbara Anne am Ende observed at an unidentified time on 10th February 2007 an inward air current and contemplated not only an initially slight breeze entering the cave but also noticed later on that the breeze seems less in the passage down there. There are some blocks and the air might go off (Ende, B A 2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Mtwo).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2007.02.10: Barbara Anne am Ende (2007.02.10 Mss: Krem Umtwo) and either Peter 'Pete' Glanvill or his daughter Philippa walked all on their own from Tongseng eastwards downhill. They met a woodcutter who attempted to tell the obviously very wealthy foreigners that he was not willing to waste his time for nothing but was understood to call himself Mecka (note 11). Upon being asked 'krem' (cave), the woodman brought brought the expedition cavers to a vertical walled doline with a small entrance which was understood to be a certain Krem Mtwo and probably is -- but this is likely to remain forever in the dark -- either the cave entrance of Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng, 2nd or that of Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng, 3rd. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0UMTHLUH, 2nd (Krem)
0.1UMTHLUH (Krem)
0.2MUPSIN 1 (Thlu)
0.3UMSHYNGIAR 4 (Krem)
0.4LYNGKSHAIT, Tongseng (Krem)
0.4UMSHYNGIAR 2 (Krem)
0.4LYER, Tongseng (Krem)
0.4MULALE (Krem)