Cave KR0336

Grottocenter / carte


Martin Ellis - 02/12/2019

Scramble down through boulders 4m wide, to chamber 25 across, multiple leads in floor around chamber. East side of chamber continues south through boulders 100m traverse down 30m, continuesàwhere stopped exploratin beginning to look clean washed.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Bat Face Cave 1 [KR0316]
0.1Kai Tsching Tschog (Tham) [KR0313]39755
0.1Bat Face Cave 2 [KR0317]
0.1Cave KR0338
0.2Cave KR0337
0.3Lek Lek (Tham) [KR0334]133217
0.6Tham Tu Ngar [KR0333]
1.1Cave KR0326
1.2Thong (Tham) [KR0327]1306