Pandava Chapel, Margao

Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A group of man-made, originally Hindu rock chambers, which are not only complete with a fabulous underground tunnel but also said to be under the care of ASI these days ( accessed 2008.02.17), are located in Margao (saffronised: Madgaon) behind the St Sebastian Chapel, which is nicknamed Pandava Chapel (note 1) and was elevated (upgraded) to a St. Sebastian Church. SITUATION 1 ( accessed 2008.02.17): A group of ancient caves (no name mentioned) lies right behind the St. Sebastian Chapel in Margao (note 2). SITUATION 2 ( accessed 2008.02.17): At Margao on Varde Valaulikar Road and at … a stone's throw is the St. Sebastian Chapel, locally known as the 'Pandava Chapel' … walk to the rear side to find a group of ancient caves, once said to be the resting pads of the Pandavas. SITUATION 3 ( accessed 2008.02.17): The -Pandavachem deul” [note 3] was 50 m away from the grotto at th back of the Chapel which is the entrance leading to the underground caves and tunnels. These caves and tunnels were built by the Pandavas [story composed between ca. 400 BC and 400 CE] for defense from enemies like Shivaji [1630-1680] and his warriors. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 ( accessed 2008.02.17): A group of ancient caves (note 4). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 ( accessed 2008.02.17): … a group of ancient caves, once said to be the resting pads of the Pandavas, now preserved by the Archeological Survey of India. You cannot help but think it must have been a pretty tight fit in these tucked up caves for the five Pandava brothers and Draupadi [note 5], each of whom is believed to be 13 feet [3.96 m] high. CULTURAL HISTORY - fabulous tunnels ( accessed 2008.02.17): Before the roads were tarred in 1956, a sort of spiral flow of water covering a diameter of 4 to 6 m was clearly observed about twenty metres eas of the chapel, signifying the presence of underground tunnels quite possibly extending up to Rachol [note 6] and Chandor [note 7]. back of the Chapel which is the entrance leading to the underground caves and tunnels. These caves and tunnels were built by the Pandavas [story composed between ca. 400 BC and 400 CE] for defense from enemies like Shivaji [1630-1680] and his warriors. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 ( accessed 2008.02.17): A group of ancient caves (note 4). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 ( accessed 2008.02.17): … a group of ancient caves, once said to be the resting pads of the Pandavas, now preserved by the Archeological Survey of India. You cannot help but think it must have been a pretty tight fit in these tucked up caves for the five Pandava brothers and Draupadi [note 5], each of whom is believed to be 13 feet [3.96 m] high. CULTURAL HISTORY - fabulous tunnels ( accessed 2008.02.17): Before the roads were tarred in 1956, a sort of spiral flow of water covering a diameter of 4 to 6 m was clearly observed about twenty metres eas back of the Chapel which is the entrance leading to the underground caves and tunnels. These caves and tunnels were built by the Pandavas [story composed between ca. 400 BC and 400 CE] for defense from enemies like Shivaji [1630-1680] and his warriors. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 ( accessed 2008.02.17): A group of ancient caves (note 4). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 ( accessed 2008.02.17): … a group of ancient caves, once said to be the resting pads of the Pandavas, now preserved by the Archeological Survey of India. You cannot help but think it must have been a pretty tight fit in these tucked up caves for the five Pandava brothers and Draupadi [note 5], each of whom is believed to be 13 feet [3.96 m] high. CULTURAL HISTORY - fabulous tunnels ( accessed 2008.02.17): Before the roads were tarred in 1956, a sort of spiral flow of water covering a diameter of 4 to 6 m was clearly observed about twenty metres eas back of the Chapel which is the entrance leading to the underground caves and tunnels. These caves and tunnels were built by the Pandavas [story composed between ca. 400 BC and 400 CE] for defense from enemies like Shivaji [1630-1680] and his warriors. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 ( accessed 2008.02.17): A group of ancient caves (note 4). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 ( accessed 2008.02.17): … a group of ancient caves, once said to be the resting pads of the Pandavas, now preserved by the Archeological Survey of India. You cannot help but think it must have been a pretty tight fit in these tucked up caves for the five Pandava brothers and Draupadi [note 5], each of whom is believed to be 13 feet [3.96 m] high. CULTURAL HISTORY - fabulous tunnels ( accessed 2008.02.17): Before the roads were tarred in 1956, a sort of spiral flow of water covering a diameter of 4 to 6 m was clearly observed about twenty metres eas of the chapel, signifying the presence of underground tunnels quite possibly extending up to Rachol [note 6] and Chandor [note 7].


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1592: Christian missionaries turned Pandavachem deul, a Hindu temple owned by Tipu Suntu Naique Sar Dessai (note 8), into a chapel of St. Sebastian. Although the feast Mass of the Patron saint may have been celebrated on 29th February every year from 1560 onwards, the Sunday Masses were more regularly celebrated from around 1900 onwards. In 1925 Fr. Arduino Dias from Velsao was believed to have been the non-resident chaplain of the chapel. He was followed by Fr. Joao de Piedade Viegas from Carmona, who served as the resident Chaplain. It was during his tenure that the side altar dedicated to our lady of Rosary and St. Joseph came into being and it was inaugurated on the 12th of January, 1938. There may have been non resident chaplains of this chapel before 1925 but no clear records to this effect are available. Thereafter from 1940 to 1954 Fr. Elias Dias was the next resident chaplain who was followed by the other resident chaplains ( accessed 2008.02.17). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

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