Pakshipathalam Deep Rock Caves
Unidentified deep rock caves (no names mentioned, consider the plural honorific), which -are- (is) said to have been formed among the thick blocks of rocks (note 1), represent one of the attractions of Pakshipathalam, a challenging tourist spot … accessibe only by trekking (note 2). SITUATION: (accessed 2006.06.29) places Pakshipathalam at a travelling distance of 7 km north-east of Thirunelli Temple in Brahma Giri Hills and the deep rock caves themselves at the northern top end of the Brahmagiri (note 3). CAVE LIFE: The deep rock caves formed among the thick blocks of rocks at the northern top end of the Brahmagiri is the abode of various birds and wild beasts. One can watch rare species of birds from the watchtower of the Bird sanctuary located nearby.Unidentified deep rock caves (no names mentioned, consider the plural honorific), which -are- (is) said to have been formed among the thick blocks of rocks (note 1), represent one of the attractions of Pakshipathalam, a challenging tourist spot … accessibe only by trekking (note 2). SITUATION: (accessed 2006.06.29) places Pakshipathalam at a travelling distance of 7 km north-east of Thirunelli Temple in Brahma Giri Hills and the deep rock caves themselves at the northern top end of the Brahmagiri (note 3). CAVE LIFE: The deep rock caves formed among the thick blocks of rocks at the northern top end of the Brahmagiri is the abode of various birds and wild beasts. One can watch rare species of birds from the watchtower of the Bird sanctuary located nearby.
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire