Lakadong F

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Indicated as Coal (f) (OLDHAM, T 1859 plate IX) and as Coal 2'6” (10) (LATOUCHE 1890: plate XXIII) not only in the far south-western corner of the Umlatdoh (Survey of India Half Inch series sheet 83-C/SW, edition 1922) or Umlotodo Plateau (LATOUCHE 1890: plate XXIII) and South and West of the rising ground in the centre of the table-land (OLDHAM, T 1859: 149) or Low ridge of Limestone covered with thick jungle (LATOUCHE 1890: plate XXIII) but also about 750 m in a direct line approximately south-west from the village of Lakadong and 150 m in a direct line north from Coal (g) (OLDHAM, T 1859 plate IX) or northeast from Coal (9) (LATOUCHE 1890: plate XXIII). BTH - 18/08/2024


Brief description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The first (northern) of two open crooms [note 1] or hollows (OLDHAM, T 1859: 149). CROOM DESCRIPTION 1852: … two open crooms or hollows. The one (at f on plan) most Northerly is very small, and at about thirty feet [9.15 m] below the surface is a very irregular mass of coal imbedded in sandstone; a fault here passes across the rocks from North-East to South-West, and cuts all off (OLDHAM, T 1859: 149). RAVINE DESCRIPTION 1890: (10) The coal exposed here in a narrow ravine about 30 feet [9.15 m] below the surface of the plateau; its thickness is about 2 feet six inches [0.76 m] where thickest but it thins out to only 1 foot [0.3 m] in about 12 or 15 yards [11.0 m or 13.7 m] (LATOUCHE 1890: 16 site 10)..


Bibliography 06/01/2018


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Lakadong G
0.4TANG PREW (Krang)
0.4LYMBIAT, Lakadong (Krang)
0.4AA CAVE (Burgers 2014)
0.5KYNDIAW (Krang)
0.5AA CAVE (Brooke 2014)
0.5RYNSONG, Umlatdoh (Krang)
0.5DHARAI (Krang pdeng)
0.5LAKADONG 06 (Latouche 1890) (Cave at)