MAWSYNRAM CAVE (Kharpran Daly 1999) (aa -)

(Mawsynram - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/04/2016

NOTE 1: This »bridge« is not identified -- unless it is the "ridge" or natural dam closing the downstream end of the blind valley in front of Krem Mawjymbuiñ.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/04/2016

A relatively low and apparently crawl-sized cave entrance is said to give access to an unidentified »cave« (no name mentioned) at the village of Mawsynram. SITUATION: Unknown. Somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Mawsynram and in an unidentified spatial relation »close« to the cave entrance to Krem –>Mawjymbuin and below a kind of»bridge« (note 1).


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1999 March 14: A Mawsynram villager told (1999.03.14) Brian D. Kharpran Daly about this cave, of which the existence was not confirmed or there and then entered by B. D. Kharpran Daly, Ronald "Ron" Laitduh, Edward ”Teddy“ Laitduh, Valery Lalvula and H. D. Gebauer. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/04/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1MAWJYMBUIÑ, Mawsynram (Krem)
0.9DAM, Mawsynram (Krem)
1.4RIDA (Krem)
2.4Mawsynram - Jathang (Spring near)
3.2AA CAVES, Mawsynram (Smart 1992)
3.7KYNTURSNIANG (Krem hajan)
3.8MADURI (Krem)
3.8PURI (Krem)
4.2PHUD JASIM, 1st (Krem)