Aberdig Cave at Murrindal

Shire of East Gippsland (AU)
Longueur 40m Profondeur 24m
Approche ☆☆☆☆☆ Esthétisme ☆☆☆☆☆ Facilité de déplacement ☆☆☆☆☆
Grottocenter / carte


General description

Bo - 31/03/2024

A small vertical drop of 1.5m leads from the surface to the first horizontal floor. This drop is the first squeeze in this cave and it is quite restrictive. At the base of this drop there’s a small chamber formed along the E-W direction with fine sediment and rocks on the floor. The roof is made of large boulders at this point. Another restriction and a small drop lead to a section of the cave developed along N-S direction. At this point clear signs of limestone dissolution are visible. A 6m narrow pit that can be free climbed leads to a large chamber developed along the E-W direction. No decorations are present here and the floor is covered in fine sediment and some fallen, angular rocks. At the east end of this chamber another squeeze, the tightest so far, leads down on a 45 degrees angle slope to another small chamber. On the eastern wall of this chamber there’s a thin layer of calcite and a small amount of water is dripping down. The floor of this chamber consists of large boulders mixed with fine debris and appears to have formed due to narrowing of the fissure. This floor sits on the first of the two E-W fissures. A 2m down climb beneath this chamber leads to a flat section between the two E-W fissures. From here a legs first, tight down climb leads into the second and terminal fissure. The floor of this small chamber is covered by very fine, damp sediment. Organic debris forming a horizontal line is present on the walls at about 1.8m above the floor. This indicates the fact that this chamber is periodically filling up with water.


This cave was a digging project from the surface. It was dug up and first explored over the July 2023 by Bogdan Muresan and Tom Elms from VSA. Bo - 31/03/2024

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