Tham Dok Kham - CM0148

น้ำแพร่ (TH)
Longueur 40m Profondeur 2m
Grottocenter / carte


Signed off the H1001 a few kilometres south of Phrao. From the wat a naga staircase with just over 100 steps leads past the large reclining Buddha to the cave entrance. Martin Ellis - 29/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 29/06/2019

The cave is about 10m and 40m long. A shelter covering a small reclining Buddha just about fills the chamber while another shelter nearly fills the entrance. At the back of the chamber a small ascending hole, filled with boulders, was seen, but not explored.


Bibliography 29/06/2019


The cave was visited by Ajaan Mun. 2009-09-01 (M. Ellis) Martin Ellis - 29/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Dok Kham 2 - CM01876010
9.1Cave CM0298 [The Mammoth Cave]
10.4Tham Aley - CM00441500
10.7Huai I Ko (Tham) [PL35] [Hueykoh] [CM0234]86147
11.5Cave PHD14 [Grotte a Gaz] [CM0043]2002
13.0Tham Nang Phaya Pang Din Fai - LA0049
13.0Suwan Khuha (Tham) [CM0103]500
14.3Cave PL36 [ CM0235]25015
14.5Tham Pha Daeng - CM00481350