KAMAL UD- DIN (Cave of)

Agra (Agra - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified --and probably lost-- troglodyte cave, rock shelter or man-made rock chamber (note 1) reported Ibn BATTUTA (ca. 1355 for 1325-1354, edited by GIBB 1929 reproduced 1998: 196) from somewhere what once was outside of Delhi: Among the learned and pious inhabitants of Delhi is the devout and humble imam Kamál ad-Din, called -The Cave Man- from the cave in which he lives outside the city. Page 212: Ibn Battuta left from this cave to visit the sultan in Sind at the end of second Jumada 742 (early December 1341 CE).An unspecified --and probably lost-- troglodyte cave, rock shelter or man-made rock chamber (note 1) reported Ibn BATTUTA (ca. 1355 for 1325-1354, edited by GIBB 1929 reproduced 1998: 196) from somewhere what once was outside of Delhi: Among the learned and pious inhabitants of Delhi is the devout and humble imam Kamál ad-Din, called -The Cave Man- from the cave in which he lives outside the city. Page 212: Ibn Battuta left from this cave to visit the sultan in Sind at the end of second Jumada 742 (early December 1341 CE).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1341: Ibn Battuta renounced the world and stood in the cave with the pious Kamal ad-Din. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Firoz Shah's Tunnels
0.0SHIHAB UD- DIN (Cave of)
3.8Agra Fort Undergrunds [Cave of Sheikh]
185.1MAHDI, Kanauj (Tahkhana ke Dargah ke Sheikh)
281.6Mahadev Gupha
282.0Nainital Cave 1 [Ducluzaux 1993d: 35]
282.0Nainital Cave 2 [Ducluzaux 1993d: 35]