Amboni Cave 4
Tanga (TZ)
Longueur 223m
223 m long Amboni Cave 4 is located at 5°04'25,0’’ S - 039°2'37,9' E on the southern bank of the Mukulumuzi River, which has to be crossed to reach the main entrance of the cave. Beside this entrance, Amboni Cave 4 has five other horizontal entrances and two daylight roof holes. The cave is joint controlled and enlarged by phreatic solution. Main directions are SW-NE and NW-SE but cleft directions from N towards S and E-W can be noted that get more common in the western caves of the area and which are even dominant in Amboni Cave 8. Amboni Cave 4 has small calcitic concretions in its SW part. A considerable colony of bats inhabits the cave. There are exploitable bat guano accumulations inside Amboni Cave 4.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.2 | Amboni Cave 5 | 70 | |
0.2 | Amboni Cave 7B | 72 | |
0.2 | Amboni Cave 3A | 620 | |
0.2 | Amboni Cave 8 | 755 | |
0.2 | Amboni Cave 3B | ||
0.3 | Amboni (Grottes d') [doublon de #23308, à fusionner] | 900 | 0 |
0.3 | Amboni Cave 1 - 2 | 1105 | |
0.5 | Rock Shelter Cave | 470 | |
0.6 | Amboni Cave 6 A-B | 74 |