Firoz Shah's Tunnels
General descriptions
Three lost or fabulous tunnels ascribed to Firoz Shah / Sultan Firoz (1321-1388) reported the Catalan Jesuit Father MONSERRATE in 1582 (edited by HOSTEN 1911: 590) from Delhi: On a ridge (in saltu), about three miles from Deli, he [Firoz Shah] constructed a palace … Again, he tunneled out a subterranean passage about forty stadia in length [7.4 km], as far as old Deli … More details recorded ABUL FAZL (1590 translated and edited by JARRETT 1893, 2: 279; JARRATT & SARKAR 1949, JARRETT, SARKAR & SEZGIN 1993, 2: 284) in his gazeteer called Ain-i-Akbari: Sultan Firoz gave his own name to a large town [note 1] … He likewise built another palace at a distance of 3 kos [note 2] from Firozabad, named Jahanuma (the world-view). Three subterranean passages were made wide enough to admit of his passing along in mounted procession with the ladies of his harem; that towards the river, 5 jaribs in length; the second towards the Jahanuma, 2 kos; and the third to old Delhi, 3 kos (note 3). FINCH (111 published 1905 edited by FOSTER 1925, 1985 ) describes the Kotila palace and its pillar to add: From the monument is said to be a way under ground to Dely castle [Old Delhi, after: HOSTEN 1911: 102]. AHMAD KHAN, Saiyid (1847, 1854 edited by TASSY 1860-1861, 1: 26 edited 1904) mentions three subterranean -conduits- connecting the palace (Kuschak / Kotila) of Firoz Shah to the river, the -belvedere- (Kushk i Shikar) and to Old Delhi (Qilah Raja Pithaura). CARR (1876 edited 2002: 125-126): There were three tunnels in this citadel [of Old Delhi?] … One communicated with the river and was five zarib long, another with the Kushak-i-Shikar and was two cos long, and the third in the direction of Qilah Rai Pthora, about five cos long … Within a few yards on the north of Hindu Rao's house on the ridge, is a deep hollow, and on its northern side there are two low openings together forming one entrance, which seems to lead into a tunnel. The people in the neighbourhood also point out an ai-shaft about 10 feet to the north of the entrance. All attempts to explore the tunnel have hitherto failed. HOSTEN (1911: 102) reviews the references mentioned above and wondered: Is it too much to hope that, before the arrival of the King-Emperor, something will be done to restore, or at last to explore them? To conclude we are told that they exist, and where they are. What more can we wish? 11 published 1905 edited by FOSTER 1925, 1985 ) describes the Kotila palace and its pillar to add: From the monument is said to be a way under ground to Dely castle [Old Delhi, after: HOSTEN 1911: 102]. AHMAD KHAN, Saiyid (1847, 1854 edited by TASSY 1860-1861, 1: 26 edited 1904) mentions three subterranean -conduits- connecting the palace (Kuschak / Kotila) of Firoz Shah to the river, the -belvedere- (Kushk i Shikar) and to Old Delhi (Qilah Raja Pithaura). CARR (1876 edited 2002: 125-126): There were three tunnels in this citadel [of Old Delhi?] … One communicated with the river and was five zarib long, another with the Kushak-i-Shikar and was two cos long, and the third in the direction of Qilah Rai Pthora, about five cos long …
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Abul Fazl 'Allami 1590 (Ain i Akbari: edited by Beveridge, H, a.i.; Gladwin, Francis 1783, 1800; Blochmann, H 1873, 1939, 1949, 1993; Jarrett, H S 1891, 1939, 1949, 1993); Ahmed Khan, Sayid 1847, 1854, 1860-1861, 1861, 1904; Carr, Stephen 1876 edited 2002; Finch, William 1611 (edited by ? 1905, edited by Foster, William 1925, 1985); Hosten, H 1911, 1912, 1914, 1915; Monserrate, Antonio 1581 (edited 1598 by Peruschi, Giovanni Battista; edited 1911, 1914, 1915 by Hosten, H ; edited 1922 by Hoyland, J S ; edited 1997 by Sezgin, Fuat); Peruschi, Giovanni Battista 1598; Sezgin, Fuat 1997.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | KAMAL UD- DIN (Cave of) | ||
0.0 | SHIHAB UD- DIN (Cave of) | ||
3.8 | Agra Fort Undergrunds [Cave of Sheikh] | ||
185.1 | MAHDI, Kanauj (Tahkhana ke Dargah ke Sheikh) | ||
277.4 | JIYA RANI MAHAGUFA, Ranibag | ||
281.6 | Mahadev Gupha | ||
282.0 | Nainital Cave 1 [Ducluzaux 1993d: 35] | ||
282.0 | Nainital Cave 2 [Ducluzaux 1993d: 35] |