Mirzakheyl (Caves at)

(کامې ولسوالۍ - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Mirza Kheyl (SIMPSON 1881) seems to be one of the neighbouring villages Bar Mirzakheyl (N34°24'50”: E070°40'25” WGS84) and Kuz Mirzakheyl (N34°24'34”: E070°39'55” WGS8, nima.mil/geonames accessed 28.05.2004), which lie above the northern (orographically left) bank of the Kabul rud (river Kabul), just inside Kama district but close to the border with Rodat district. The white rocky ridge (SIMPSON 1881: 183) limits the eastern end of the –>Jalalabad plain and the western end of the Chahardeh / Chardeh plain. It appears to be a northern continuation of the Markoh in the south (Rodat district). BTH - 11/07/2024


General description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A group of (modified?) natural caves or dilapidated man-made rock chambers noticed SIMPSON (1881: 183, 206) where The termination of the [Kabul] Valley at this place is called Mirza Kheyl, …a white rocky ridge comes down close to the river, and there are remains of Buddhist masonry on it, with caves in the cliffs below. SIMPSON (1881: 206): Mirza Kheyl… caves in the cliff under left no doubt in my mind as to their character.


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Simpson, William 1881.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
3.2Girdi Kas (Karez / Kariz) [Gerdi Kac] [Gerdi Kats]
4.0Sang-e Surakh, Chahardeh
11.8Ziarat Pir Goondi (Caves at)
12.8Barik Ab (Caves at)
17.1Pire Kamel Baba (Caves at)
18.7Hadda karez / kariz
18.9QACHQAR ou LAÏDJÉH (Grotte)
19.1Hadda (Caves at)