SYNRANG LABIT, Shnongrim, 2nd (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The second of the two potholes (Krem –>Synrang Labit 1) was and, of course, still is the first (note 1) and characterised by an entrance with an unidentified shape, unspecified dimension, and was understood to lie in an unidentified spatial relation to its counterpart. One or the other (if not both) of the two cave entrances function as seasonal insurgences (rainy season sinks) which drain waters to an unknown resurgence. EVALUATION (Sheen 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Synrang Labbit): Large open shaft with peripheral abandoned inlets takes a large stream in the monsoon. Close to the margin. SITUATION (HDG 2002.02.24): See Krem –>Synrang Labit (Shnongrim) 1. The vertically -lower- (since February 2004 the second) entrance to this cave (Krem Synrang Labit, Shnongrim), which is circular doline some 8 m to 11 m in diameter, lies about 50 m in a direct line approximately SSW from the vertically -upper- (since February 2004 the first) entrance to this cave (Krem Synrang Labit, Shnongrim), which is n irregularly shaped, elongated doline (some 4 m deep at a width of 12 m or 15 m SW-NE by about 5 m or 6 m NW-SE) merging into two potholes. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1, the entrance (Arbenz & Gebauer 2002.02.24): The entrance proper is reached by descending 5 m across steep soil to the floor of a sizeable karst alley (3 to 4 m wide, up to 6 m deep) with a washed floor, then by stooping below a larger boulder on the right hand side. A 4 m long handline is advisable to get to the mouth of the first pitch with a first floor (or balcony?) about 10 m down. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2, the cave (Sheen 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Synrang Labbit): Open shaft c 4m x 5m at head drops 30 m into large boulder floored chamber c 10 m by 10 m. After c 60 m horizontal passage pitch c 50 m deep (large and roomy) lands in active passage c 5 by 5 m. CAVE CONTENTS (Sheen 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Synrang Labbit): Abundant calcite [speleothems], mud, formations and sediment in upper fo ssil series. Strange joint controlled, phreatic azes in gothic series. TACKLE: 50 m rope, 60 m rope. PROSPECTS 2003 (Sheen 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Synrang Labbit): Several promising leads remain unexplored: Upstream of pitch in main passage (duck or sump) requires swimming. Downstream main passage stopped by 5 m pitch (ongoing). Boulder choke at end of Gothic Series (big semi-abandoned passage) worth getting through? Major ongoing upstream in Improbability Drive inlet. Ongoing passages (mazes) off Improbability Drive. Other small inlet passages off main streamway. CAVE LIFE: Daniel B. Harries collected from the soil in the entrance shaft an approximately large or about 20 or 25 cm long skull, which is thought to be cat.azes in gothic series. TACKLE: 50 m rope, 60 m rope. PROSPECTS 2003 (Sheen 2003.02.28 Mss: Krem Synrang Labbit): Several promising leads remain unexplored: Upstream of pitch in main passage (duck or sump) requires swimming. Downstream main passage stopped by 5 m pitch (ongoing). Boulder choke at end of Gothic Series (big semi-abandoned passage) worth getting through? Major ongoing upstream in Improbability Drive inlet. Ongoing passages (mazes) off Improbability Drive. Other small inlet passages off main streamway. CAVE LIFE: Daniel B. Harries collected from the soil in the entrance shaft an approximately large or about 20 or 25 cm long skull, which is thought to be cat.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1SYNRANG LABIT, Shnongrim, 1st (Krem)
0.1JRI, Shnongrim, 2nd (Krem)
0.2JRI, Shnongrim, 1st (Krem)
0.3MUL DOLOI (Krem U)
0.3SYOI 1 (Larsing Sukhlain 2002) (Krem)
0.3SYOI 2 (Larsing Sukhlain 2002) (Krem)
0.3SOH SYLLE (Neumann 2003) (Krem)
0.3SYOI 3 (Raplang Shangpliang 2008) (Krem)
0.3SYOI 4 (Raplang Shangpliang 2008)