Tham Ho Chai - NA0048

งอบ (TH)
Longueur 30m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This cave is advertised with blue tourist information signs along the H1291 as far as Tham Pha Phueng. From Ban Mani Phruk take a track that heads towards the north-east to where a path leaves the track at 47Q 716415 2151827. This goes near the summit of Phu Hua Lan before descending past Tham Ho Ying to Tham Ho Chai. Alternatively walk up the path from Tham Champi. Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

The cave consists of a short section of passage that is completely blocked with speleothems


Bibliography 12/09/2020


The cave was briefly explored, but not surveyed, by the SMCC in February 2010. Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Ho Ying - NA00471000
0.5Tham Champi - NA004439332
1.2Tham Phu Hua Lan - NA0049
3.5Cave NA009552
3.5Sink NA0088
3.6Sink NA0089
3.7Tham Pha Daeng - NA00191000
3.7Sink NA0087
3.7Cave NA00966427