(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A seemingly perennial stream sinks between boulders within an approximately large (sic!) doline without identified dimensions or shape, which contains an estimated 10 m of accessible -passage- which, however, simply was done away with as not worth surveying (Jarratt & Boycott 2002.02.19 Mss: Krem Lyngdoh / Krem Londoh). ETYMOLOGY: Tony (Antony) Boycott (in: Jarratt & Boycott 2002.02.19 Mss: Krem Lyngdoh / Krem Londoh) created the interesting cave name Krem Londoh reminiscent of a larger town in the -Unite Kindoh of Gray Brida- (or so). Tony (Anthony R.) Jarratt translated the Khasi cave name -Krem Lyngdoh- as Sourcerer's Cave (Jarratt & Boycott 2002.02.19 Mss: Krem Lyngdoh / Krem Londoh) but I doubt the priest's of the United Kingdom would be pleased. The Khasi -u lyngdoh- is a priest (SINGH, N 1906: 122) but is also the name of a traditionally priestly -ka kur- or -ka jaid- -- a clan or sept (note 1). SITUATION: The doline was understood to lie at a location without identified sptial relation at Mustoh (sic!) and this is actually the village of Mustoh (note 2). According to a cheap, digital and uncalibrated wristwatch altimeter, the doline lies vertically some 390 m below the -Cherra Resorts- east of the village of Laitkynsew (note 3).A seemingly perennial stream sinks between boulders within an approximately large (sic!) doline without identified dimensions or shape, which contains an estimated 10 m of accessible -passage- which, however, simply was done away with as not worth surveying (Jarratt & Boycott 2002.02.19 Mss: Krem Lyngdoh / Krem Londoh). ETYMOLOGY: Tony (Antony) Boycott (in: Jarratt & Boycott 2002.02.19 Mss: Krem Lyngdoh / Krem Londoh) created the interesting cave name Krem Londoh reminiscent of a larger town in the -Unite Kindoh of Gray Brida- (or so). Tony (Anthony R.) Jarratt translated the Khasi cave name -Krem Lyngdoh- as Sourcerer's Cave (Jarratt & Boycott 2002.02.19 Mss: Krem Lyngdoh / Krem Londoh) but I doubt the priest's of the United Kingdom would be pleased. The Khasi -u lyngdoh- is a priest (SINGH, N 1906: 122) but is also the name of a traditionally priestly -ka kur- or -ka jaid- -- a clan or sept (note 1). SITUATION: The doline was understood to lie at a location without identified sptial relation at Mustoh (sic!) and this is actually the village of Mustoh (note 2). According to a cheap, digital and uncalibrated wristwatch altimeter, the doline lies vertically some 390 m below the -Cherra Resorts- east of the village of Laitkynsew (note 3).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.11: Shemba Bynnud and lots of local lads from the village of Musoh (Mawstoh) guided Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Boycott, Antony 'Tony' and Jayne Stead to the doline, stream sink and cave entrance. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1UMBAH 1 (Krem)
0.1UMBAH 2a (Krem)
0.1UMBAH 2b (Krem)
0.2TIHUM (Krem)
0.2WAH 'LAWBAH (Krem)
0.5UMBLAI 1 (Krem)
0.5UMBLAI 2 (Krem)