Tham Saeng Tien - CH0079

Grottocenter / carte


This is another cave signposted in Thai to the west of the H2559, both along a dirt track across the fields and in the nearby village. The track leads to the foot of a valley coming out of the mountains and what appears to be a farming community and wat. The cave has not been visited. Martin Ellis - 23/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.4Cave [CH01010]
2.5Wua Daeng (Tham) [CH0013]50
2.5Cave CH0078 - CH0078750
8.8Tham Phra - CH001145021
9.3Tham Keao - CH001240523
30.6Tham Khuha Banphot - PE0093
33.7Tham Pha Thewada - CH00228000
33.8Lam Chi Resurgence - CH0040
33.9Put Son Sink - CH0095