Anjohibe (Grotte)

Anjohibe n°1 (Grotte d') [Anjohibe cave]

Longueur 4863m Profondeur 49m
Grottocenter / carte


Au bout de la piste à la descente du 4x4Expédition Anjohibe 2017 – Madagascar : TRITONS Lyon By Alex - 03/02/2018

(Narinda, Andranoboka, Mahajanga) Co-ordinates: S 15°33', E 046°52'. Alt. 100 m. BTH - 14/02/2018


Description sommaire

BTH - 14/02/2018

Developed in the dolomitised Tertiary limestones of the Narinda Kuppenkarst. The northern part of the cave is a large horizontal labyrinthine fossil system with several entrances and daylight holes. This part has rich calcite decorations. In a side chamber fossil bones (probably from a hippopotamus), covered by flowstone, were found. The southern part of the cave contains a subterranean river. In the 1940’s Anjohibe was developed as a tourist cave with electric lighting. Bird sub-fossils from the cave were reported by Goodman & Ravoavy (1993). Speleothern dating has been conducted on stalagmites from the cave (Brook et al. 1999). Plan taken from Laumanns et al. (1991)Laumanns et al. (1991).


Photos 03/02/2018
Bibliography 08/02/2018
Topo A0 03/02/2018
Topo A4 03/02/2018
Synthèse zone 03/02/2018


Formerly called ”Anjohiandranoboka”. Explored in 1951 by desaint-Ours, Paulian and Ramahalimby (Ann. Spél., 3-4, 1959; plan). TRITONS Lyon By Alex - 08/02/2018

Autres entrées de ce réseau

Distance (km)Nom
0.1Anjohibe Entrée C (Grotte d')
0.2Anjohibe Entrée G (Grotte d')
0.4Anjohibe Entrée Q (Grotte d')
0.4Anjohibe Entrée I (Grotte d')
0.6Anjohibe Entrée V1 (Grotte d')
0.7Anjohibe Entrée Y (Grotte d')
0.7Anjohibe Entrée S (Grotte d')

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Anjohibe Entrée C (Grotte d')486349
0.2Anjohibe Entrée G (Grotte d')486349
0.4Anjohibe Entrée I (Grotte d')486349
0.4Anjohibe Entrée Q (Grotte d')486349
0.6Anjohibe Entrée V1 (Grotte d')486349
0.7Anjohibe Entrée S (Grotte d')486349
0.7Anjohibe Entrée Y (Grotte d')486349
1.5Anjohibe n°4 Entrée 17_14 (Grotte d')1395