The larger and by far more obvious of the two known cave entrances is a square-ish entrance ca. 2.5 m across x 2 m wide (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc) with unidentified characteristics and an unidentified orientation) in an unidentified sandstone and was said to lead to a relatively large chamber or tunnel (note 1) which is unexplored unsurveyed / some potential (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). ETYMOLOGY: An unidentified caving instructor (no name mentioned, undated), who may have been Kutmon Syang from Lakadong (or so), explained something according to which the Lakadong Khasi -krang- and standard Khasi -krem- called -Kyndiaw- is named after a lady who died here a long time ago (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). This looks like a popular etymology or folk etymology (a popular but mistaken account of the origin of a word or phrase) based on a contraction the Khasi word -ka kynthiew for a woman (note 2) with the adjective -diaw- meaning low spirited; disappointed (SINGH, N 1906: 67) and dejected (SINGH, N 1920: 113). SITUATION: The GPS position recorded for the cave entrance (near ±20 m N25°11'21.2”: E92°16'15.1”: 746 m) indicates a spot about 500 m approximately NNE from the church in Ummat (±5.9 m N25°11'06.2”: E092°16'07”: 759 m) and adjacent east of the height .2562 (781 m) indicated on the 1922 and 1939 editions of the Survey of India toposheet 83-C/SW (Gebauer H D 2014.05.03). SITUATION 2014.12.26: In the base of a cliff close to Lakadong (Lymbiat area) (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). APPROACH 2014.12.26: In case of preferring a detour over a more direct route from Lakadong - Ummat (N25°11'06.2”: E092°16'07”), one is well advised to Take the track heading north from lakadong past the school. [Fork right or turn yourself around till you face back south again before you] Fork left by Krem Busti (N25°11'23.4”: 092°15'59.7”) and follow the path [now eastwards] to N25°11'27.9”: E92°16'04.2”: 750 m. Walk into [what had been in February 2014] the jungly, rocky area and climb down over rocks, then turn to SE (right) and follow the sandstone over limestone cliff [in the east or, in case of facing south] on your right. Pass the large obvious entrance to Krem Lymbiat at N25°11'27.2”: E092°16'07.4” and continue along the cliff until it meets another cliff on the left [of a person without orientation]. The entrance is under the wall (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.04.05: – – – [not mentioned] (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit.docx). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.04.29: Large chamber, tunnel in sandstone (Arbenz, T 2014.04.29 undated Mss: Cave record overwiev 2_ 2014.xlsx). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2014.12.26: The square-ish entrance ca. 2.5 m across x 2 m wide gives access to what is not tunnel at all but annihow was termed by Annie U Audsley a Sandstone tunnel with a relatively short passage to large chamber. Possible ways down through boulders. 2nd entrance (small) in the chamber (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). PROSPECTS: Annie U. Audley suggested to consider possible ways down through boulders (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). CULTURAL HISTORY -- cave legend: An unidentified informant (no name mentioned), who may have been Kutmon Syad (Stronghold [of] Will) from Lakadong (Ummat) explained something which was understood to mean Locals tell that a woman died here -a long time ago- [but] they are unsure when (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). CAVE LIFE -- Chiroptera: bats (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc).how was termed by Annie U Audsley a Sandstone tunnel with a relatively short passage to large chamber. Possible ways down through boulders. 2nd entrance (small) in the chamber (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). PROSPECTS: Annie U. Audley suggested to consider possible ways down through boulders (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). CULTURAL HISTORY -- cave legend: An unidentified informant (no name mentioned), who may have been Kutmon Syad (Stronghold [of] Will) from Lakadong (Ummat) explained something which was understood to mean Locals tell that a woman died here -a long time ago- [but] they are unsure when (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc). CAVE LIFE -- Chiroptera: bats (Arbenz, T 2014.12.30 Mss: A.Audsley 26-02-2014 Krem Kyndiaw.doc).
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.2 | TANG PREW (Krang) | ||
0.3 | LYMBIAT, Lakadong (Krang) | ||
0.4 | BUSTI, Lakadong (Krang) | ||
0.4 | Lakadong G | ||
0.4 | LAHUBON, Umat (Krang) | ||
0.5 | Lakadong F | ||
0.5 | LABIAT, Lakadong (Gebauer 2001) (Krang) | ||
0.7 | UMAT SWALLOW HOLE 2 (aa -) | ||
0.8 | LAKADONG [00] (Ringwood 1876) (Cave at) |