(Amlarem - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An inconspcious, vegetation-clad cave entrance (unidentified dimensions) give access to a descending cave passage (digital images forwarded by Smart, C M 2012.03.11 -My File- DVD). TRANSLATION: Cave name from teacher in Syndai (Mr G Parleyfort): Krem Amkor Tyrmei [note 1], Cave [on the stream] of washing / bathing water [note 2] for men (Smart, C M 2013.03.11 either after U Millon Kya, in February 2012 a retired teacher at Syndai, or after G. Parleyfort Pamthied, in February 2012 a village school teacher at Syndai). This translation, however, seems to be rather a description of the distinctive cultural relevance of the site than a rendering of the meaning of the words -amkor- (note 3), or -amkoi- (as in Krem –>Amkoi), -tynrai- (note 4), -tyrmei- or -thymmen- (note 5).ETYMOLOGY: So far (March 2013), I saw the name of this cave recorded as Krem Krem Amkor Tyrmei Cave of Men's Water or Shower / bathing my Men Smart, C M (undated 2012 February) twin steel spiral bound note book with lind pages, unpaginated, saved 2012.03.01 as the digital Samsung ES9 / ES8 image SAM_0196.JPG on: Smart, C (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD. Krem Amtor Thymai Smart, C M (2012.02.29) quadruple punch-holed loose leaf survey sheet paginated 14, dated 29|2|12 and saved 2012.03.01 as the digital Samsung ES9 / ES8 image SAM_0183.JPG on Smart, C M (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD.Krem Amtortmyrai (note 6) McManus, S J (2012.02.27) digital Panasonic DMC-FT10 image MAC_27_02_2012_Krem Amtortmyrai entrance_001.JPG to … 4.JPG on: Smart, C M (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD. Krem Amtortyrmae Anonymous (McManus, S J 2012.02.27) Amtortyrmae track.gpx CAVE CLIMATE: An airflow (air current) rising from the cave was noticed during daytime on 27th February 2012 resulted in recording draft is out (Smart, C M 2012.02.29 survey sheet paginated 14, dated 29|2|12). SITUATION: In the north eastern corner of the village of Syndai (note 7) and five minutes on foot (93 m in a direct line) steeply phill (vertically 65 m) to a vicinity where Lakadong Sandstone (capping Lakadong Limestone) is exposed on the surface (NAG & PAL 1996 map).d pages, unpaginated, saved 2012.03.01 as the digital Samsung ES9 / ES8 image SAM_0196.JPG on: Smart, C (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD. Krem Amtor Thymai Smart, C M (2012.02.29) quadruple punch-holed loose leaf survey sheet paginated 14, dated 29|2|12 and saved 2012.03.01 as the digital Samsung ES9 / ES8 image SAM_0183.JPG on Smart, C M (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD.Krem Amtortmyrai (note 6) McManus, S J (2012.02.27) digital Panasonic DMC-FT10 image MAC_27_02_2012_Krem Amtortmyrai entrance_001.JPG to … 4.JPG on: Smart, C M (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD. Krem Amtortyrmae Anonymous (McManus, S J 2012.02.27) Amtortyrmae track.gpx CAVE CLIMATE: An airflow (air current) rising from the cave was noticed during daytime on 27th February 2012 resulted in recording draft is out (Smart, C M 2012.02.29 survey sheet paginated 14, dated 29|2|12). SITUATION: In the north eastern corner of the village of Syndai (note 7) and five minutes on foot (93 m in a direct line) steeply d pages, unpaginated, saved 2012.03.01 as the digital Samsung ES9 / ES8 image SAM_0196.JPG on: Smart, C (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD. Krem Amtor Thymai Smart, C M (2012.02.29) quadruple punch-holed loose leaf survey sheet paginated 14, dated 29|2|12 and saved 2012.03.01 as the digital Samsung ES9 / ES8 image SAM_0183.JPG on Smart, C M (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD.Krem Amtortmyrai (note 6) McManus, S J (2012.02.27) digital Panasonic DMC-FT10 image MAC_27_02_2012_Krem Amtortmyrai entrance_001.JPG to … 4.JPG on: Smart, C M (2013.03.11) -My File- DVD. Krem Amtortyrmae Anonymous (McManus, S J 2012.02.27) Amtortyrmae track.gpx CAVE CLIMATE: An airflow (air current) rising from the cave was noticed during daytime on 27th February 2012 resulted in recording draft is out (Smart, C M 2012.02.29 survey sheet paginated 14, dated 29|2|12). SITUATION: In the north eastern corner of the village of Syndai (note 7) and five minutes on foot (93 m in a direct line) steeply phill (vertically 65 m) to a vicinity where Lakadong Sandstone (capping Lakadong Limestone) is exposed on the surface (NAG & PAL 1996 map).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2012.02.27: Unidentified people (no names mentioned) guided Christopher M Smart, Rob C Harper, Stuart J McManus and Keith Sanderson to the entrance of Krem Amkor Tyrmei (Smart, C M 2013.03.11 Mss 'The definitive list … Syndai Cave 12) or Krem Amtortmyrai (McManus, S J: MAC_27_02_2012_Krem Amtortmyrai entrance_001.JPG to …004.JPG). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.6AMLADKOH (Krem)
0.6SHUKI (Ka Krem Pubon)
0.9AMKHLOO, Syndai (Krem)
0.9RHEN RMEN (Krem)
1.2KRIAH (Krem)
1.2KYNDA, Syndai (Krem)