CODAR (Caves at)

(Ponda - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An ancient cave (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1981-82 / 1984) or Hindu style cave temple (CAVES IN GOA 2002, item 16) in the sense of a man-made rock-cut chamber used for religious purposes). SITUATION: Somewhere at the village of Codar or Kodar (near N15°24': E074°03'), which lies at a linear distance of 6 km east of Ponda (also: Cassabe de Ponda, near N15°24': E074°01'). SITUATION 1984: At the village Kodar (Taluka Ponda) (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1981-82 / 1984: 91). SITUATION 2002: At Codar (CAVES IN GOA 2002, item 16). ETYMOLOGY: The Sanskrit noun -dar- is said to designate cave (note 1).An ancient cave (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1981-82 / 1984) or Hindu style cave temple (CAVES IN GOA 2002, item 16) in the sense of a man-made rock-cut chamber used for religious purposes). SITUATION: Somewhere at the village of Codar or Kodar (near N15°24': E074°03'), which lies at a linear distance of 6 km east of Ponda (also: Cassabe de Ponda, near N15°24': E074°01'). SITUATION 1984: At the village Kodar (Taluka Ponda) (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1981-82 / 1984: 91). SITUATION 2002: At Codar (CAVES IN GOA 2002, item 16). ETYMOLOGY: The Sanskrit noun -dar- is said to designate cave (note 1).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Caves in Goa 2002; Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1981-82 / 1984.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1981-1982: The Directorate of Archives, Archaeology and Museum, Govrnment of Goa, Dam and Diu, reportet the discovery of … an ancient cave at the village Kodar (Taluka Ponda) (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1981-82 / 1984: 91). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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