UMSO, Thangskai, 2nd (Krem)

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

A 25 m wide and more than 3 m high undercut at the base of a cliff face faces south, gives within a few metres access to a set of three interconnected cave passages, and represents the perennially active resurgence of Krem –>Umda, only 130 m in a direct line (or 175 m along the shortest underground route) due north but vertically 10 m higher up.


Bibliography 03/07/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1997.02.18: Simon J. Brooks, Brian and Paul A. Edmunds »… attempt yet fail to find another cave by the name of Khieh Um Sor« (Simon J. Brooks in: BROOKS, S J et al 1998: 29). 1998.01.22: »Kaimen H. Passah« (Kyrmen 'Hope' C Hiwot Passah) and members of the Jaintia Adventurers' Association, Jowai, are said to have visited »Krem Umda nos. 1-2« (GOGOI, N 1998). 1999.02.16 - 17: Guided by Speding Dkhar from Thangskai (25°11'45”N: 92°22'35“E), H. D. Gebauer (book), Andrew "Andy" Peter Tyler (compass & clinometer), Adora Thabah and Fraser Simpson (measuring tape) visited, entered, surveyed, mapped and explored. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1LABIT, Thangskai (Krem)
0.2UMDA - UMSO, Thangskai (Krem)
0.3UMTYRA, 2nd (Krem)
0.3UMDA 2 (Krem)
0.5Umtyra (Krem)
0.5UR BLANG, Lumshnong: Chiehruphi (Krem)
0.7UMKHLOT (Krem)
0.7ROMAI SYNHIN 1 (Krem)