(Saipung - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The cave called (note 1) Krem Iap Ksew (Dead Dog Cave) or Krem Ur Ksew (Slipped / Fallen Dog Cave) starts with a funnel-shaped doline (1.5 or 2 m deep, narrowing down from 2 m to 1 m in diameter) to a lateral, standing sized (Kharpran Daly 2004.02.11 Mss) or 1 m low (Penney 2006.02.28 Mss) entrance passage proper, which immediately drops for estimated 4 or 5 m to what was the decomposing body of a then (February 2005) quite smelly dead dog in addition to –who knows? POSITION 1: N25°20'44.6”: E92°29'54.1” WGS84 (unidentified precision error): 1130 m asl (B.D. Kharpran Daly 2005.02.11, 11h36:32 GPS Garmin 12). POSITION 2: N25°20'44.6”: E92°29'54.1”: 1118 m asl (WGS84, ±13 m, H. Penney 2006.02.28 with Derek Pettiglio's GPS Garmin Etrex ). POSITION 3: N25°20'44.7”: E92°29'53.5”: 1143 m asl (WGS84, unidentified precision error, Q. -Cooper- Cowper, undated February 2007 on Arbenz, T 2007.11.01 cave plan -Iapksew_plan_500.pdf- undated). SITUATION 1 (Kharpran Daly 2004.02.11 Mss Krem Iap Skew): Along the road to Shnongrim village / Litien, stop 50 m short of the point [where one leaves] to Krem Labit. Walk along a track, downhill and towards the left, to a small valley approximately 300 m from the road. In a jungle covered depression is a 2 m deep pothole (2 m in diameter). SITUATION 2 (Penney 2006.02.28 Mss: -untitled- dated 28/2/06): From camp 2006 [note 2] walk along road towards Shnongrim to N 25-20-43.2, E 092-30-10.8. Head over ridge and follow small valley which becomes wooded. Cave is in depression in thicket. SITUATION 3: According to the GPS position recorded lies Krem Iap Ksew in the upper reaches of the Rasah area and about 2.5 km in a direct line due east of the Jaintia Cement works near road junction and village of Ladmyrsiang. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Kharpran Daly 2004.02.11 Mss): Dropping into the entrance pothole one could see a standing sized passage which immediately drops down into a pitch of, maybe, 5 m in depth. No attempt was made to enterbecause of the stench of a dead dog. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss -Abstracts.xls- after Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2005.02.11): 5 m deep pitch. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Penney 2006.02.28 Mss: -untitled- 28/2/06): Vertical hole in depression (c|x|.5m) leads to hirizontal low section for |m, then 3 (or 4) rifts drop down at right angles to each other for about 4 m or so. Rift undescended. Worth a look. No draught detected. May need ladder/rope. CAVE DESCRIPTION 4 (Brooks 2006 undated Mss: -Krem Penney- amendments to Penney 2006.02.28 Mss: -untitled- 28/2/06): New Cave – 2006. SPELEOMETRY: According to Arbenz, T (2007.11.01 cave plan -Iapskew_pla_500.pdf- undated) contributed this 121.26 deep cave 513 m of survey length to Krem Shien Klieh (sic! for: Shyien Khlieh). TACKLE (Kharpran Daly 2004.02.11 Mss): Probably a 5 m ladder to start with.because of the stench of a dead dog. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss -Abstracts.xls- after Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2005.02.11): 5 m deep pitch. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Penney 2006.02.28 Mss: -untitled- 28/2/06): Vertical hole in depression (c|x|.5m) leads to hirizontal low section for |m, then 3 (or 4) rifts drop down at right angles to each other for about 4 m or so. Rift undescended. Worth a look. No draught detected. May need ladder/rope. CAVE DESCRIPTION 4 (Brooks 2006 undated Mss: -Krem Penney- amendments to Penney 2006.02.28 Mss: -untitled- 28/2/06): New Cave – 2006. SPELEOMETRY: According to Arbenz, T (2007.11.01 cave plan -Iapskew_pla_500.pdf- undated) contributed this 121.26 deep cave 513 m of survey length to Krem Shien Klieh (sic! for: Shyien Khlieh). TACKLE (Kharpran Daly 2004.02.11 Mss): Probably a 5 m ladder to start with.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2004.02.11, trip 1: Menda Ksyih, Propastor of Shnongrim, guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly to the entrance of a cave called Krem Iap Ksew or, alternatively, Krem Ur Skew. According to Brooks, S J et al. (2005 Mss: Meghalaya Diary), Brian went to Krem Iap Ksew (Dead Dog Cave) with the Pro pastor of Shnongrim and was prevented from entering by the smell of the dead dog. 2006.02.28, trip 2: The repelling odour was gone when a certain Raplan (most likely: Raplang Sukhlain) guided Hugh Penney (2006.02.28 Mss: 'untitled' 28/2/06) to a cave where H. Penney understood that his [not Penney's but Raplang's] dog fell down it last year and died. 2007.02.21, trip 3: Joe Duxbury, Barbara Anne am Ende and Peter Glanvill went to Krem Iap Ksew (Dead Dog Cave) and a steaming rift nearby (Dog Breath Cave). Joe descended a 10 m pitch and followed a canyon passage for circa 50 m, ongoing (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Joe,Barbara and Peter G. went to Krem Iap Ksew ( Dead Dog Cave) and a nearby steaming rift, which they named Dog Breath Cave. In one of these, Joe dropped a 10 m pitch into some 50 m of ongoing canyon passage. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0IAP KSEW 2 (Krem)
0.2LUM MUPUD (Krem poh)
0.2MUPUD 5a (Brooks 2009) (Krem)
0.2MUPUD 6 (Brooks 2009) (Krem)
0.2Mupud 1 (Krem)
0.2ANGKHAT 1 (Jarratt 2004) (Krem)
0.2MUPUD 5 (Jarratt 2003) (Krem)