Mywar Lead Mines
One or several lead mines (note 1) in which the galleries are very numerous while the number of galleries is truly surprising (HERBERT 1842: lxxix). SITUATION: On a captain's right (HERBERT 1842: lxxix) but civilian's eastern (orographically left) bank of the river Tonse (Tons), south of the –>Borela lead mine (note 2), and about one and a half mile lower down (about 2 or 3 km south) from the –>Uyar lead mines, is the lead mine of Mywar, belonging to Tounsar [sic! qua: Jaunsar], one of the reserved districts (HERBERT 1842: lxxix). POSITION: Dehra Dun district … lead and sulphur mines are found on the Tons river at 30° 43' N … (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, 11: 211 after MEDLICOTT 1884 and OLDHAM, R D 1883b Note on the geology of Jaonsar …). GEOLOGY: The ore is in every respect similar to that found at Uyar and Mywar, and is also accompanied as there, by iron pyrites. In some of the very numerous galleries sulphur is obtained. In others, the vein is a blackish friable earth, in wich the galena is in nodules (HERBERT 1842: lxxix).ich the galena is in nodules (HERBERT 1842: lxxix).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | UYAR LEAD MINES | ||
4.0 | SKELETON POT (Leakey's) | ||
5.1 | BLASTED HOLE | ||
5.3 | KANDWA POT 6 | ||
5.4 | KANDWA POT 5 | ||
5.4 | KANDWA POT 4 | ||
5.4 | Well Shaft, Leora | ||
5.4 | KANDWA POT 3 |