(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

NOTE 1: Lum U Mawlong Syiem (Hill of Lord Big-Rock King) is the smaller of the two hills west of Mawsmai, which are both sacred to their respective "U Ryngkew" (village god, spiritus loci). The larger of the two hills, Lum Lyngkrem, contains Krem –>Mawsmai. NOTE 2: »Ka Khmat Kharai« (GURDON 1906) or »Ka Kma Kharai« (RAFY 1920: 58-61) is the mother of U Thlen (compare Krem –>Thlen), who was born and came to death at her maternal uncle U Yak Jakor's cave near Pamdaloi (Pom Doloi, Pomdoloi). NOTE 3: SINGH, N (1906: 43) translates the Khasi "kma" into the English »to wander, to roam about« but English Khasito wander ba'n iaid sakma; ba'n ruma (SINGH, N 1920: 584) ïaid sakma; makia; ïaid bakla (BLAH, E 2007: 329) to roam iaid sakma; iaidwir; iaid kai (SINGH, N 1920: 584) makia; iaid sakma (BLAH, E 2007: 257). NOTE 4: The Khasi "u 'lei" is a short form of "u blei" and means »god, a deity« (SINGH, N 1906: 13, 114). NOTE 5: »Pomdoloi« (RAFY 1920, xii: 62) is the village indicated as »Pamdaloi« near N25°17'40": E091°41'10" (WGS84 modified from N25°17'40": E091°41'10" Everest 1830) on Survey of India One-Inch sheet 78-O/11 (editions 1913, 1938) and the »Pomdoloi Cave« (RAFY 1920, xii: 62) is possibly identical with Krem U –>Thlen (Pomdaloi ).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

In context with Lum U Mawlong Syiem (note 1), one of the two hills west of Mawsmai, GURDON (1907 edited 1996: 170) draws attention to the tragical »Ka Khmat Kharai« (note 2), the »Ka Khma Karai« of RAFY (1920: 59-60) and »Ka kma Kharai« of SHADAP SEN (1981: 210-211). Like –>Pah Syntiew, she is a classical Khasi lady associated with traditional caves. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi noun "ka kharai" as such translates as »a ditch, a trench« while "ka khmat" is also spelled "ka khymat" and means not only »an eye, a face, an appearance« but also »the end of a thread; a subject; one of the points or issues of an argument; every (as "khmat briew" = every person)« (SINGH, N 1906: 33). GURDON (1906: 170) translates the female person's name "Ka Khmat Kharai" by »Daughter of the Abyss« and RAFY (1920, xii: 59) »Ka kma Kharai« by »one that roams about in trenches or hidden nooks« (note 3). RAFY (1920, xii: 61) explains that »Ka kma Karai« was the daughter of U Mawlong Siem, a deity (note 4). SHADAP SEN (1981: 210-211) confirms that "ka Khmat Kharai" was the daughter of U Mawlong Syiem (S'iem, Siem), and recalls a legend according to which he did not allow her to meet her lover. She reacted with dating men liberally and is reputed to have »… encouraged the most undesirable and strange suitors to woo her.« BAZELY (1992) is generally unreliable and translates "khmat karai" into »Mouth of the Abyss« as if it were the entrance to a pothole cave. CULTURAL HISTORY - cave legend: According to RAFY (1920, xii: 61-62), »Ka kma Karai … was well known in the Blei world, and she possessed the power of assuming whatever form she pleased. She often assumed the form of a woman and mingled with mankind without anybody suspecting her identity. Many of the Bleis sought her in marriage, but U Mawlong Siem, her father, would never give his consent, lest his prestige be lowered among the Bleis. There was one suitor whom Ka kma Kharai specially favoured. He was the god of Umwai, but her father forbade the union so sternly as to dispel all the hopes of the lovers. This so angered the young goddess that henceforth she rebelled openly against her father, and by way of retaliation she encouraged the attentions of strange and undesirable lovers. When it was discovered that she was with child, she fled from her home, fearing the wrath of her father, and put herself under the protection of her maternal uncle, who lived in the Pomdoloi cave [note 5], and was one of the famous dragons, or Yak Jakors of the country.«


Bibliography 30/03/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.5MAWSMAI (Krem)
1.5MAWSMAI 2 (Krem)
1.9Mawkhyrdop, Mawsmai (Krem)
2.0LAI KHILON, Riatnohkhlieh (Krem)
2.1PHYLLUD (Krem)
2.2PHYLLUD, 3rd (Smart 1994) (Krem)
2.2LUM LAWBAH: Sink 1 (aa -)
2.3Surprise Entrance Cave (aa -)
2.3PHYLLUD, 2nd (Krem)