Tham Yai - LP0023

ก้อ (TH)
Longueur 40m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


In the central part of the national park. Martin Ellis - 12/04/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/04/2020

A short cave developed entirely in a very large rift. Many bats are in this dry and dusty cave which contained much evidence of guano extraction and many decidedly rickety old wooden bridges between large boulders.


Martin Ellis - 12/04/2020

HARPER, ROB (n.d. [2002]) - BCRA Grade 3


Bibliography 12/04/2020
  • HARPER, ROB (n.d. [2002]) "Mae Ping 2001" unpublished report, 27pp

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.7Tham Manee - LP0016500
3.2Tham Buak Pha 1 [LP0021]1700
3.2Tham Buak Pha 2 [LP0022]355
3.6Tham Pha Tang - LP00251500
5.6Krata (Tham) [LP0015]10570
5.9Cave LP0010 - LP0010
8.2Tham Thea 1 - LP00171000
9.0Tortoise Cave - LP0019
9.0Tham Thea 2 - LP0018