Amboni Cave 7B

Longueur 72m
Grottocenter / carte


Elocated at the northern bank of the Mukulumuzi at 5°04'25,9'' S - 039°1,8'55,3’’ E the just 72 m long Amboni Cave 7B has its main entrance right near the footpath along the river. From there, a rift passage leads in N direction. Offleadings lead to 4 other entrances. Michael Laumanns - 23/11/2015


Michael Laumanns - 23/11/2015

After approximately 25 m the main passage is filled with rocks but one can climb up to proceed some more 10 m until the rift gets too small. Here some nice calcitic formations are present.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2Amboni Cave 3A620
0.2Amboni Cave 3B
0.2Amboni Cave 4223
0.2Amboni (Grottes d') [doublon de #23308, à fusionner]9000
0.2Amboni Cave 1 - 21105
0.3Amboni Cave 8755
0.3Amboni Cave 570
0.6Rock Shelter Cave470
0.8Amboni Cave 6 A-B74