Cave LP0008 - LP0008

ท่าเดื่อ–มืดกา (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


P0008, LP0009 and LP0010 are described by Hallett (1890) who descended the Mae Ping gorge en route from Chiang Mai to Bangkok in 1876. As the border apparently runs along the river these caves may be in Chiang Mai province. The area is now in Mae Ping National Park and the locations are approximate. Hallet describes that just before the first rapids above the Mae Ping gorge "a great rock pierced by two flat-arched caverns juts up from the bed of the stream. Martin Ellis - 28/03/2020


Bibliography 28/03/2020
  • DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1997) "The Caves of Thailand - Addendum 1995-97" Speleological Research Council, Sydney HALLETT, HOLT S. (1890) "A Thousand Miles on an Elephant in the Shan States" William Blackwood & Sons, London. Reprinted (1988) White Lotus Co. Ltd., Bangkok ISBN 974-8495-27-2 484pp

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
3.3Cave LP0009 - LP0009
8.6Ban Na Tham - CM0095
10.0Tham Moh - CM01942000
13.8Tham Huai Hok [CM0291]1000
21.9Tham Paphai - LP001432014
23.9Tham Khao Huai Pyar [CM0269]
25.6Cave LP0010 - LP0010
27.3Tham Thea 1 - LP00171000
27.6Krata (Tham) [LP0015]10570