Tham Nam [KL0028]

จุมจัง (TH)
Longueur 10m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is on the walk up to the summit of the hill from the temple. Martin Ellis - 03/10/2019


Martin Ellis - 03/10/2019

A small stream resurgences into a concrete basin in a 10 m wide entrance with a large boulder in front. The passage is said to continue a long way, but is very low.


Bibliography 03/10/2019
  • ***Dunkley, John Robert; Ellis, Martin; Bolger, Terry (2018) "Unusual caves and karst-like features in sandstone and conglomerate in Thailand" Helictite Vo. 43 pp15-31


2014-06-16 M. Ellis, T. Bolger Martin Ellis - 03/10/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.3Cave KL0029100
0.3Tham Phra [KL0030]500
0.4Tham Pha Phueng [KL0017]250
0.5Tham Far Mue Daeng - KL0001
4.1Chong Meng (Tham)
4.4Tham Bing - KL0007250
5.2Tham Sai [KL0020]
8.9Tham Bo Luang [KL0018]
15.4Tham Phra Ruesi [KL0021]