SYIEM, Jowai (Krem)
A relatively small or short cave or rock shelter is said (Kyrmen 'Hope' C Hiwot Passah 1995, 1996 personal communication) to be situated somewhere above the banks of Myntdu river (note 1) at the base of the spur on which Jowai (25°27'N: 92°12'E) stands. CAVE POTENTIAL: : There is no limestone in the area, but occurences of calcite cemented conglomerates of the Mahadek / Langpar formations, which are tentatively capable of bearing caves. LATOUCHE (1883b: 199): »Beneath the village of Jawai [Jowai] the schists and quartzites are capped by patches of cretaceous conglomerates … the bedding in these is horizontal.« CULTURAL HISTORY - Human use: The cave is said to have been once used as a hide-out by an unspecified syiem (king, no name mentioned).
NOTE 1: OLDHAM, T (1854 / 1984 Appendix A) places the ford across the »Mentedoo River« (Myntdu) on the road from »Joowye« (Jowai, Circuit House ±250 m 25°26'47”N: 92°11'28”E) to Lakadong (±1 km 25°11'02”N: 92°16'18”E) at an elevation of »3845 feet« or 1172 m asl.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
30.1 | PNAH KYNDENG, Pahambir (Krem) | ||
76.7 | TIROT, Niangdai (Krem) | ||
109.9 | BORU NADI NATURAL BRIDGE, Molat Parbat | ||
118.2 | LANGHRIK NADI NATURAL BRIDGE, Molat Parbat | ||
122.0 | AA CAVE, Tenga (Sootinck 2008) | ||
123.0 | TEPEGALU & JATUNG TUNG KARMU (Cave of) | ||
123.0 | PADMASAMBHAVA PHUG, Rupa | ||
157.2 | Monpa (Cave of the) | ||