A painted cave (IMAM 2001) or rock shelter which IMAM (2001) counts among the Sat-Pahar rock art sites (note 1). SITUATION 1: Raham Cave lies about 6 km in an unspecified way approximately east of Sidpa rock shelter and on the opposite side [across the shelters of –>Sariya, –>Thethangi and –>Khandar] of the Satpahar Range, on its north facing side where the rock art of Raham is on a high perpendicular / vertical rectangular wall of sandstone (IMAM 2001). SITUATION 2: Raham cave is in Chatra District and on the north of Satpahar (coilnet.bitmesra.net/JharkhandTourism/Districts/Ch… accessed 2007.11.24). CULTURAL HISTORY - rock art: Wonderful boxed mandalas painted in red haematite and points out that Raham Cave is believed to have been a refuge for the Tana Bhagats [note 2] during the end of the 19th century, from which period some graffiti remains on the lower edges (IMAM (2001). coilnet.bitmesra.net (accessed 2007.11.24) confirms that Raham cave … on the north of satpahar [sic], is supposed to be a refuge for the Tina Bhagats around the end of the 19th centuary [sic!]. The cave has graffiti-type mandalas painted in red haematite.A painted cave (IMAM 2001) or rock shelter which IMAM (2001) counts among the Sat-Pahar rock art sites (note 1). SITUATION 1: Raham Cave lies about 6 km in an unspecified way approximately east of Sidpa rock shelter and on the opposite side [across the shelters of –>Sariya, –>Thethangi and –>Khandar] of the Satpahar Range, on its north facing side where the rock art of Raham is on a high perpendicular / vertical rectangular wall of sandstone (IMAM 2001). SITUATION 2: Raham cave is in Chatra District and on the north of Satpahar (coilnet.bitmesra.net/JharkhandTourism/Districts/Ch… accessed 2007.11.24). CULTURAL HISTORY - rock art: Wonderful boxed mandalas painted in red haematite and points out that Raham Cave is believed to have been a refuge for the Tana Bhagats [note 2] during the end of the 19th century, from which period some graffiti remains on the lower edges (IMAM (2001). coilnet.bitmesra.net (accessed 2007.11.24) confirms that Raham cave … on the north of satpahar [sic], is supposed to be a refuge for the Tina Bhagats around the end of the 19th centuary [sic!]. The cave has graffiti-type mandalas painted in red haematite.
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Imam, Balu 2001.
EXPLORATION HISTORY: The Raham Cave is believed to have been a refuge for the Tana Bhagats during the end of the 19th century (IMAM 2001) and coilnet.bitmesra.net (accessed 2007.11.24) confirms that Raham cave … is supposed to be a refuge for the Tina Bhagats around the end of the 19th centuary whilst desidirectory.com/events/Indian_Travel_Details.asp… (dated January 02, 2007 accessed 2007.11.24) has the Tana Bhagat movement in 1913-14 and thus decennia later in the early 20th century.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | KOH BARA / KOHBARA | ||
0.0 | SARIYA SHELTER, Tandwa | ||
0.0 | KHANDAR SHELTER, Tandwa | ||
0.0 | THETHANGI SHELTER, Tandwa | ||
0.0 | SIDPA SHELTER | ||