Bat Face Cave 1 [KR0316]

Grottocenter / carte


Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019

Pitch down through rock boulders. Accessed through a joint from the cleft walking access. Finishes in boulder choke


Bibliography 01/12/2019
  • +Furlong, Imogen (2017) "GSG Family Caving Expedition to Krabi, Thailand January 2016" The Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin Fifth Series Vol. 2 No. 2 March 2017 pp14-17 +Nix, Bill (2016) "Families underground" Decsent No. 248 February/March 2016 pp24-25

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Kai Tsching Tschog [KR0313]39755
0.0Bat Face Cave 2 [KR0317]
0.1Cave KR0338
0.1Cave KR0336
0.1Cave KR0337
0.2Tham Lek Lek [KR0334]133217
0.7Tham Tu Ngar [KR0333]
1.2Cave KR0326
1.2Tham Thong [KR0327]1306