Poo district (Kinnaur district - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 22/06/2016

»The cave in which the Murang people had the last year sheltered themselves, had disappeared, and instead of it we beheld the fragments of fallen peaks, the ruinous proofs of the vast power of the avalanche« (HERBERT 1825: 366). SITUATION: HERBERT (1825 map) indicates »Tomba Wodar« (Tomba Cave) in the Tomba nadi = glen, a tributary from the east (left) to the »Setlej or Satúdrá« (Sutlej river).


Bibliography 22/06/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1819 October: Captain J D Herbert, 8th regt. N.I., missed the recently destroyed cave. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 22/06/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
4.1Hopeha Wodar
11.6Kanan Country Caves
22.0Tidung (Caves on the)
23.2Yullang Cave
35.7Nuru Caves
45.8PHO GOMPA, Tabo
59.7Sarang Rock Shelters
87.2Bharku Caves
87.3TSAPARANG (Troglodyte settlement of)