Holqa Cheikh Momina [Cheik Hamina]

(East Harerghe - ET)
Longueur 63m Profondeur -23m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 25/12/2019

The cave is a large sloping single chamber 62m long and 40m wide with a 5m high stalagmite in the centre surrounded by several smaller ones. The walls of the cave are covered in flowstone and the boulder floor descends to reach a flat mud floor at the base of the chamber with pools of water

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
7.9Holqa Huttun [Hade Kure 1]117-65
8.0Hade Kure 2 (Enkuftu)5-38
9.3Mohu (Enkuftu)192-192
15.6Holqa Dima 114639
16.1Lucho 1 (Holqa)388
16.1Holqa Lucho 2235
16.3Lucho 3 (Holqa)153
16.4Holqa Lucho 4205
16.4Lucho 5 (Holqa)5-2