(Nagapattinam - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/03/2016

A so-called »underground cave« in unspecified rock (note 1) is exploited for a religious show cave serving the religious desires and pious needs of both Muslim and Hindu customers (note 2). SITUATION: The dargah (note 3) of Meeran Sahib lies at the ziyarat (pilgrimage place) at Nagor (note 4), a 4 km walk from the Nagappattinam railway station (note 5) but the sacred cave itself lies in the Vanjur Shrine, about 2 km due north of the »main campus« (note 6). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Frederick Sleigh "Lord" ROBERTS of Kandahar (1897 edited 1898, 2005.08.14) »… should like to dwell on the architectural wonders of Tanjore and the Caves [read: man-made rock chambers] of Ellora … but to give my readers any idea of their marvels would be to put too great a strain …« CULTURAL HISTORY: The temple cave is dedicated to Meeran Sahib Abdul Qadir Shahul Hamid Badshah (in short: Meeran Sahib), a Muslim pir (also: peer, a Sufi saint), who is said to have stayed here in meditation for 40 days. »The Nagore Dargah of Meeran Sahib is a spiritual shrine in South India. It is one of the popular pilgrimage centres for Muslims in Tamil Nadu: The Dargah is visited by Hindus also and is a fine example of the harmonious co-existence of Hindu - Muslim communities« ( accessed 2004.10.31).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/03/2016

NOTE 1: In the »Tanjore District … few minerals of importance. Quartz crystals are found at Vallam [N10°43': E079°05'], and laterite and limestone (kankar) are abundant in the south-west of the District« (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, 23: 234). NOTE 2: »The Nagore Dargah of Meeran Sahib … is one of the popular pilgrimage centers for Muslims in Tamil Nadu. …[it] makes for a busy pilgrimage, with busloads of tourists arriving from all over the state … The Dargah is visited by Hindus also and is a fine example of the harmonious co-existence of Hindu - Muslim communities« ( accessed 2004.10.31). NOTE 3: "dargah" (Farsi / Persian, from Arabic) literally into »place of access« and means a venerated tomb of a Sufi Muslim saint. NOTE 4: Nagor is positioned as Nagar and Nagore near N10°49': E079°51' ( accessed 16.11.2003) and lies at travelling distances of 12 km along the road from Karaikal (N10°55': E079°50'), 78 km from Thanjavur (N10°48': E079°09') and 90 km from Madras re-named Chennai (Egmore railway station N13°04'37”: E080°15'51”). NOTE 5: Nagapatinam, Nagapattinam, Nagappattinam, Negapainttam City, Negapatam, Negapattinam N10°46': E079°50' ( accessed 16.11.2003). NOTE 6: »The Nagore Dargah shrines are situated at three locations, Nagore, Vanjur and Silladi. The main campus is at Nagore, spread over an area of about five acres, which is enclosed by a compound wall, with four impressive entrances… In front of the western gate, just outside the compound, is a large tower, 131 feet tall, called Periya Minara. Inside the compound of the main campus, the golden dome building houses three tombs in three separate chambers. The doors of these chambers are made of silver. In the tombs lay buried the mortal remains of Meeran Sahib, his son Syed Mohammed Yusuf and his daughter-in-law Saeeda Sultana Biwi« ( accessed 2004.10.31).


Bibliography 24/03/2016
  • Roberts, Frederick Sleigh "Lord of Kandahar" 1897 edited 1898, 2005.08.14.

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