Fort Stanton Cave

(Lincoln County - US)
Grottocenter / carte


The Snowy River - La Rivière de Neige

BTH - 11/03/2017

The world's longest continuous cave formation is in the Snowy River of Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico, and is a coating of white calcite crystals that lines that bed of the streamway. The stream is active in parts of the year and dries up seasonally, adding to the deposit. Currently Snowy River has been surveyed and explored to over 10 miles in length with no end in sight"The World's Largest Cave Formations", in Virtual Cave :


Bibliography 11/03/2017

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
598.9Winds (Cave of the) -- Cliffhanger Entrance [doublon probable de #92268]90
677.6Alabaster Caverns1200
689.5Pearl Cave65
719.4Mallory Cave
1121.6Robber's Cave
1132.1Wind Cave210890
1156.4Talking Rocks Cavern
1176.4Fantastic Caverns
1228.8Elisha Cave [Small Spring Cave]00