STANGHAR (Arbenz 2010) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A reputedly big entrance (note 1) is kept secret to prevent access to an elusive cave at a hidden location off limits for selected outsiders. ETYMOLOGY: Needless to say that the origin and meaning of the presumably Synteng Khasi (Pnar) cave name -Krem Stanghar- has not yet been discovered and is beyond the reach of exceptionally qualified expedition cavers. Arbenz, T (2010.07.11 personal correspondence) tells me a) the spelling -stanghar- is definitely correct and may be erroneousb) is possibly better spelled ending with a double -r- because unidentified people pronounce it like stangharr c) to have personally heard and used -stanghar- d) and -stanghar- was confirmed e) to have no idea what -stanghar- means f) -stanghar- is possibly incorrect (note 2). QUOTATION 2011: An unidentified guide (no name mentioned) stepped out of his way to lead a team of exceptionally qualified expedition cavers, which was comprised of Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Imogen Furlong, Angela Glanvill, Cdr. Vijay Chhkara and Nicola Bayley or, if you prefer, Brian, Imo, Hellie, Angie G, Vijay and Nicky went up river past Krem Shallong [sic! qua: Krem –>Shalong] in search of caves in the Stanghar area. They failed completely to find the big entrance that was promised but noted a couple of small sinks that did not look promising [note 3] (anonymous Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Monday 21st February 2011). QUOTATION 2013: Damian Manar from the village of Mooknor (also: Moo Knor) guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Urs -Waelchli- Wälchli and Peter Ludwig somewhat eastwards. On this occassion, Peter L., Urs and Brian went to Krem Shalong via Mooknor, guided by Damian Manar of Mooknor. … They then went looking for [the cave entrance to] Krem Stanghar and never found it. The big entrance probably never existed (anonymous Arbenz, T 2013.08.07 Mss: Meghalaya Expedition 2013 Diary: February 16th, Saturday).kara and Nicola Bayley or, if you prefer, Brian, Imo, Hellie, Angie G, Vijay and Nicky went up river past Krem Shallong [sic! qua: Krem –>Shalong] in search of caves in the Stanghar area. They failed completely to find the big entrance that was promised but noted a couple of small sinks that did not look promising [note 3] (anonymous Arbenz, T 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Monday 21st February 2011). QUOTATION 2013: Damian Manar from the village of Mooknor (also: Moo Knor) guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Urs -Waelchli- Wälchli and Peter Ludwig somewhat eastwards. On this occassion, Peter L., Urs and Brian went to Krem Shalong via Mooknor, guided by Damian Manar of Mooknor. … They then went looking for [the cave entrance to] Krem Stanghar and never found it. The big entrance probably never existed (anonymous Arbenz, T 2013.08.07 Mss: Meghalaya Expedition 2013 Diary: February 16th, Saturday).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.7STANGHAR (Rastom Manar 2010) 2nd (Krem)
0.8STANGHAR (Rastom Manar 2010) (Krem)
0.8AA CAVE (Hall 2010.02.15)
0.9CHAD KHLAW, 1st (Krem)
0.9CHAD KHLAW, 2nd (Krem)
1.2KHLAW SONG (Krem)
1.2SHALONG 15 m PITCH (Krem)
1.2SHALONG 36 M PITCH (Krem)