Tham Mae Hu 2 - MH0276

Grottocenter / carte


About 2km east of Tham Kaeo Komon. At the visitor centre, continue straight on towards the mining site until you reach the Mae Hu stream. The caves are in a small forest temple 100m above the stream on the east side of the road. Martin Ellis - 06/07/2020


Martin Ellis - 06/07/2020

This second cave is less developed than Tham Mae Hu 1 and is 100m down the hill from the first cave. A sturdy wooden ladder has been built in the entrance allowing access to a medium-sized chamber with active speleothems and no obvious exit.


Bibliography 06/07/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Tham Mae Hu 1 - MH0274800
1.7Tham Kaeo Komon - MH024312033
1.8Crystal Mae La Noi 2 Cave - MH0275500
20.0Tham Mae Ga Noi [MH0093]1000
20.7Tham Phra Boran - MH0290300
24.8Tham Ban Phae - MH02872020
30.7Tham Ko Koa - MH0295
31.1Tham Mi - MH0300
31.6Tham Pha Daeng - MH029820060