Tham Manu

(ເມືອງວຽງພູຄາ - LA)
Profondeur 0m
Approche ☆☆☆☆☆ Esthétisme ☆☆☆☆☆ Facilité de déplacement ☆☆☆☆☆
Grottocenter / carte


Northern Lao-Europea Cave Project information

Frédéric Urien - 26/07/2024

History: --- 16.01.2012: explored by the Northern Lao-Europea Cave Project 2012, not surveyed Bibliography: [10258]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. (eds.) 2013: The unknown North of Laos (Part 5 - 2012-2013: Karst and Caves of the Provinces Luang Nam Tha, Luang Prabang and Houaphan). - Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte 49. 110 pp + Appendix.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Ung Jan Muan0
0.2entrance above Ung Jan Muan0
0.2Om Ung (Tham)2610
0.2Tham Om Ung0
0.4Tham Om On0
3.5N'tu Kuat Ma Min0
3.7Tham Ma Men0
5.5Tham Kuat0
5.8Tham Pasat-47