A temple cave (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 150) or series of natural caves (PARKER 1909: 332). SITUATION 1909: High up on the precipitous eastern side of Nikawae-kanda [mountain at Nikawae / Nikawewa], a steep rocky hill in the North-western Province (PARKER 1909: 332). SITUATION 1983: Nagala Rock (note 1) is reached by bearing left at the top of the climb to the tiny, hideously -restored- but beautifully located cult spot (apparently a modified natural rock shelter used as a temple cave), which clings like a wild bees' nest to the face of Nagala rock near that Nikawewa (note 2), which lies 13 miles (21 km, probably east-northeast along the road) from the Rest House at Maho (note 3) (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 150). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1909: … a series of natural caves. Some of these contained statues, and one had also a small dagaba which had been demolished by treasure seekers, so that only a little of the lower part remained (PARKER 1909: 332). CULTURAL HISTORY - Human use: According to PARKR (1909: 332), … an early monastery was established. PARKER (1909: 334) narrates how … about eight years ago, Selaratna Thera, the energetic superior of the monastery now at the foot of the hill, undertook the restoration of the cave wihara [vihara]. Among other preliminary work, the heap of bricks in the lower part of the dagaba was removed, and it was then discovered that the persons who rifled it, possibly the followers of King Magha, had not found the true relic-chamber, which was covered by a large stone slab in the very bottom of the structure. When this was raised the undisturbed contents of the cavity under it were found to be as follows …R (1909: 332), … an early monastery was established. PARKER (1909: 334) narrates how … about eight years ago, Selaratna Thera, the energetic superior of the monastery now at the foot of the hill, undertook the restoration of the cave wihara [vihara]. Among other preliminary work, the heap of bricks in the lower part of the dagaba was removed, and it was then discovered that the persons who rifled it, possibly the followers of King Magha, had not found the true relic-chamber, which was covered by a large stone slab in the very bottom of the structure. When this was raised the undisturbed contents of the cavity under it were found to be as follows …
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
9.4 | Yapahuwa Fort Cave Temple | ||
9.4 | Culuttha, Peddawa (Cave of) | ||
19.0 | Gale Deviya Galge, Ranagiriya | ||
20.0 | NISO LENA | ||
20.0 | KUMBURU LENA | ||
20.5 | Sasseruwa Caves | ||