Yaganti, 2nd (Cave at)
Various descriptions
The triangular shaped cave entrance, up to 5 m wide and high, faces south and gives access to the centrally located temple cave at Yaganti, which is dedicated to Vishnu or, if you prefer, to Vishnu as Venkateshwara. ETYMOLOGY: Venkateswara (Sanskrit), from "vem" (sin), "kata" (cut, destruction) and "ishwara" (lord, god), is an epithet of the Hindu god Vishnu (note 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION: The modified natural temple cave dedicated to Vishnu is one of the two caves at Yaganti, which both represent »enlarged rifts along lines of jointing in the limestone« where the »walls show bunches and fringes of stalactites here and there, but their floors are conceiled by flagging and steps built by devotees who have erected shrines there« (FOOTE, R B 1884a: 33). CULTURAL HISTORY - Human use: The long-standing religious show cave attracts pious pilgrims at least since the cool season of 1883-1884 when the cave floor had already been »… conceiled by flagging and steps built by devotees who have erected shrines there« (FOOTE, R B 1884a: 33).Internet websites narrate tales according to which the »… natural caves at Yaganti such as Rokalla cave [note 2], Venkateswara cave, Sanka cave, and Veera Brahmam caves add beauty and serenity to this holy place. Potuluri Veera Brahmam has written his monumental work, Kalagnanam in this cave only« (note 4).
NOTE 1: Vishnu, the preserver or sustainer, is associated with 'right action'. He is usually depicted with four arms, holding a lotus, a conch shell (as it can be blown like a trumpet it symbolizes the cosmic vibration from which all existence emanates), a discus and a maze (a reward for conquering Indra, the god of battle). His consort is Lakshmi and his vehicle Garuda, a half-bird, half-beast creature (LONELY PLANET, India 2005: 63). NOTE 2: "rokali" (Telugu) »a large wooden pestle« (BURROW, T & EMENAU, M B 1984: 672), apparently an other word for Vishnu's »maze, a reward for conquering Indra, the god of battle« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005: 63). NOTE 3: Tourismsouthindia.com/andhra-pradesh-travel/andhra… (accessed 22.12.2004) and incredibletourism.com (accessed 2007.12.14) advertised from Yaganti a »Venkateswara cave« and Venkateshwara is an epithet of Vishnu.
Bibliography 05/07/2016Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1981.12.22: H. D. Gebauer, Andre Abele and Werner Busch arrived on hired bicycles, shared a few dozen cups of tea-coloured sugar milk with resident pundits and saddhus, and commenced exploration in the speleological sense of the word. 1981.12.25: Claude Chabert and Nicki Boullier arrived on hired bicycles, shared a few dozen cups of tea-coloured sugar milk with resident pundits and professional saddhus, mapped and explored aspects of the Vishnu Gavi.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | Yaganti, 1st (Cave at) | ||
0.1 | Yaganti, 3rd (Cave at) | ||
0.2 | Ulavalagondi 2 Crevice | ||
0.3 | Yerra Zari Gavi | ||
1.0 | Yaganti Second Ravine Cave | ||
1.9 | Ulavalagondi 1 Crevice | ||
1.9 | YAGANTI SINK, Katikavanikunia |