Tham Mueseua Khonthan Lukthanu Lot - KR0035

กระบี่น้อย (TH)
Longueur 75m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This very well-known temple is a major tourist attraction and is signposted from the H4. It is 2km north of the H4, 9km north-east of Krabi. Located in a large collapse feature about 100 m north of Tham Sua reached by a set of concrete steps. Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019


Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

The four named caves Tham Muesuea, Tham Lukthanu, Tham Khonthan and Tham Lot are really a single fossil cave with a mud floor.


Bibliography 15/10/2019
  • CUMMINGS, JOE (1999) "Thailand" 8th edition, Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd, Hawthorn, Victoria ISBN 0-86442-636-4 1032pp DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 HALLIDAY, WILLIAM R. (2002) "Caves in Krabi" pers. com. to Dean Smart WASSEMAN, B. (1984) "Tiger Cave Monastery" Sawasdee (Thai Airlines Magazine) Vol. 13 No. 1 pp32-38


2007-12-06 (M. Ellis) Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Pla Lai - KR0039
0.1Tham Laplae - KR0040
0.2Tham Chang Kaeo - KR0042
0.2Tham Jed Chan - KR0043
0.3Tham Thewada - KR0044
0.3Tham Sua - KR0015203
3.4Tham Moh Khiew - KR0122
5.4Khao Na Wang Mi Quarry Cave 12 [KR0257]
5.4Sam Kaeo Chong (Tham) [KR0304]